Chapter 7 ~ Martina:

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After I kissed him, I felt all sorts of things, but I knew we had to keep our relationship professional, especially for the boys, when Jorge pulled back from me, we looked into each other eyes, he grabbed my hand and I walked with him till he took me into his room, he kissed me again as I could feel his hands touch the edges of my top as he started lifting my top so I could feel his hands on my skin, felt him pushing me backwards onto the bed, I don't think I was ready to do this with him, I pushed him up as he looked at me.

Martina: Jorge, I don't think we can do this.

Jorge: *Kisses her neck* Why?

Martina: I am just a governess and you're my boss, Jorge the boys will be coming home from school soon, please don't ruin this, I know I kissed you, but I wasn't expecting to sleep with you.

Jorge: *Gets up* You're right, I'm sorry I guess we shouldn't because otherwise, the boys will think we are more than a professional relationship, I must do some paperwork in my office if you need me.

As he got up off me, my body started to shiver when he was warm, I know I kissed him, but I didn't want to change anything between us for the boy's sake but mainly for my little girl.

While Jorge was doing some paperwork in his office, I was cooking some food for my little girl and some for the boys and Jorge as well, when I was cooking, I could hear Jorge coming in and talking on the phone while he went into the fridge to get some juice and he just walked out of the kitchen after putting the jug of juice away. Is he mad at me? He didn't even acknowledge me making dinner for him and his children, but maybe this is what it's supposed to be like.

3:00 pm ~

I went to get the boys after cooking some food for everyone, as I arrived at the school for Ethan, I saw my new friend Candelaria she looked sad.

Martina: Hey, Cande, are you okay?

Candelaria: Oh, Hey Martina, no I just need some sleep Ruggero has been working late so I have been up half of the night trying to calm this one down, where she misses her dad so much.

Martina: Oh, it's the same with Ethan he loves his dad so much that when his dad isn't home from work, he breaks down.

Candelaria: Well, we should grab a coffee and talk some more, are you able to?

Martina: Uh, I can't sorry, I must get Joshua from preschool and then I must take them home.

Candelaria: How about your little girl?

Martina: Oh, she's living with us now, since I had a bit of trouble, but it's sorted now.

Candelaria: Well, how about you come over to mine tonight and we can open some wine and talk, I'm sure Jorge will be able to manage.

Martina: I will see if I can, but if not then I'll text you, but I can't see it being a problem, since he's home tonight.

Candelaria: Oh, he hasn't been working today.

Martina: He's been working from home.

Candelaria: And he still needs you on his days off?

Martina: Well, he hasn't said anything different.

Candelaria: Anyway, I shall probably see you later.

Martina: Yeah.

I said goodbye to Candelaria and walked to preschool for Joshua with Ethan, as he was telling me about his day at school, as we picked up Joshua and got home Jorge came out of his office in a rush as he was putting his leather jacket on.

Ethan: *Hugs his dad* Daddy!!!

Joshua also hugged his dad while he was getting his wallet and his phone, I was going to ask him if I could have the night off, but he cut me off.

Martina: Jorge...

Jorge: *Cuts her off* Ah, Martina I need you to look after the kids where Ruggero wants to grab a drink with me tonight.

Martina: But... Mr Blanco...

Jorge: *Stubborn* I'm not asking Martina, I'm telling you, if you are going to work here then this is what I pay you for.

Martina: *Bites her tongue* Fine, enjoy your night Mr. Blanco.

Jorge kissed his boy's forehead and slammed the door in a rage, I guess having a life while working with Mr Blanco is never going to happen.

Martina: *Shakes her head* Right, boys your dinner is on the table, I must call someone a minute and Ethan don't you have homework?

Ethan: I'll do it after dinner.

As the boys were having their food Maria came down to see the boys, while I was on the phone to Candelaria.

Martina: Sorry, I must look after the boys tonight where Jorge just went out with Ruggero, he didn't half slam the door.

Candelaria: it's okay, anyway Ruggero did say they were having a guy's night out which they haven't done in a while since Jorge has been too busy with work and looking after the boys.

Martina: Well, I'm guessing me being here is helpful as well.

Candelaria: I think Jorge should be grateful you're there, where otherwise he would be back to square one.

Martina: I think it's awkward between us, where we kissed earlier.

Candelaria: WAIT, WHAT!!!

Martina: Shh, it was a moment of madness, he said something so sweet that I had that craving where I needed to kiss him.

Candelaria: Oh, my god, Martina Stoessel, you are a governess nothing can happen between you and the boss.

Martina: Then it's lucky I stopped what we were about to do then.

Candelaria: Excuse me? What did you stop?

Martina: We nearly, you know.

Candelaria: No, way, he was going to really.

Martina: We were nearly stripping each other, I knew it was wrong to sleep with the guy whom I am the governess to his children, I just couldn't do it, but I wish I did you know.

Candelaria: Are you falling for Jorge Blanco? The billionaires?

Martina: I do not know, he makes me nervous, and he is nice to look at, and he is a good kisser.

While I was talking to Candelaria, I didn't know Ethan was overhearing my conversation, he just walked past me to go up to his room, but I think he heard me kissing his dad. 

A/N: -

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