Chapter 10 ~ Martina:

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Noon ~

After Jorge left this morning, I took Maria, Joshua to preschool and then took Ethan to school. Tomorrow is the weekend which means I will have to plan a day out for the kids, but maybe Jorge will be off as well so we could do something together.

As I came back from the school run, I had a shower and Cande texted me about tonight, where we were having a girlie night in tonight since Jorge will be home tonight, when I walked downstairs, I was in the middle of making a sandwich when the doorbell rang, as I answered it there stood the one guy, I thought I would never see again.

Martina: Pepe?

Pepe: Hi, Martina.

Martina: What are you doing here?

Pepe: Why do you think? I want to see my daughter.

Martina: Excuse me? I thought you didn't want to know or have anything to do with her?

Pepe: Well, I changed my mind, I guess I want her to know who her dad is.

Martina: *Walks into the living room* This is a joke, right?

Pepe: *Walks towards* No, I'm not joking around Martina, I'm serious I want to know my daughter you can't keep her away from me.

Martina: You got no right to be here asking me this, besides I don't want you anywhere near me or my little girl.

Pepe: Well, that's not your decision, you either let me see my daughter or I will get social services involved.

Martina: Like you did before, right? Well, you can ring whoever you want but the answer will always be no.

Pepe: When did you get so selfish and hateful?

Martina: When I became a mother.

Pepe: And what hmm? Being a Nanny to some billionaire Businessman hmm?

Martina: I'm not a nanny Pepe, I'm a governess and not him but to his children, and you

know what he treats me better than you ever did.

Pepe: Why? He keeps you satisfied, does he?

Martina: *Scoffs* Yeah, you know what stuff this, but he is better in bed than you will ever be Pepe.

Pepe: Oh, you're sleeping with him.

Martina: What if I am, we aren't together anymore, now get out and don't come back around here because my daughter Mine will never know you, so do your worst take me to court or call social services but I will fight for my little girl.

Meanwhile, Pepe left I sat on the sofa and I started to remember all the things we went through which made me break down, I just can't lose my little girl she's the one who keeps me going, I thought I would go to see Jorge since he always knows what to do, I drove to his office block when I arrived in the reception, I saw Cande on the reception.

Candelaria: Martina, what are you doing here? Have you been crying?

Martina: Is he in?

Candelaria: Who?

Martina: Jorge, Mr. Blanco.

Candelaria: Yeah, why? Is it something wrong with the kids?

Martina: No, I just need to talk to him.

Candelaria: He's the third floor and it's the door on the end.

Martina: Thank you.

I went up to the third floor in the elevator when I could hear shouting coming from the end office which I knew had to be him, when I walked in the doorway, he looked at me so did his clients who he was shouting to.

The Governess ✔️ - Jorge & Martina  *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now