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When Gerard looked at his life, he looked at the good things, the amazing things such as Frank and his brother and the house he lived in. He's not a material person, but he was grateful for everything he had. But there were times he looked at his life and saw the bad, the drugs rings, the violence, the betrayals. Sometimes it terrified him, worrying about Frank all the time and wondering if he'll even make it back alive some nights. Frank tried to keep him out of business, but that was difficult when Ray would bring a rat straight to the front door, or when he had to meet new clients.

But Gerard loved Frank, exactly how he was. He wouldn't change Frankie for anything, he married him for a reason and the reason was that he loved him. And yes, Frankie's work terrified him, but the part where Frank had to kill other people wasn't what terrified him. It was that at any moment, anything could happen.

Gerard was brought out of his thoughts by the door slamming and Frank shouting angrily into his work phone, "...then find him, Toro! And when you do, tell him I want my money within 24 hours or he won't like what's coming to him."

Frank didn't come into the living room first, instead, Gerard could hear him walk over to their bar and pour himself a drink, whiskey probably. Once he entered with, Gerard had guessed correctly, his Whiskey and Gerard's coca-cola, he was quiet and had a stern look on his face. Gerard knew that face, it was the face he made when he hadn't had a good day and didn't want to talk, so Gerard kept quiet and took his drink wordlessly.

Frank took his time taking out two cigarettes from his jacket pocket, the expensive kind he usually kept for special occasions or when it had been an awfully shitty day and tossed one over to Gerard. Gerard watched carefully as Frank unwrapped his cigarette and lit it up, breathing in the toxic smoke and closing his eyes

Frank had noticed that Gerard hadn't moved since he picked up the cigarette and opened his eyes, "you put it in your mouth and suck," at any other time, this would have been a double entendre but right now, Frank was just agitated.

"I know," Gerard said, and immediately regretted it because Frank hated when Gerard talked back.

"Then put it in your mouth and shut the fuck up," Gerard followed his instructions, staying quiet after. He knew that Frank wasn't actually mad at him, he was used to being yelled at a lot worse than this when Frank was mad and usually, he would just shout back because he wasn't scared of Frank. A lot of the time, he wouldn't take shit from Frank unless it was in the bedroom but this wasn't one of those times. He wasn't in the mood to fight today and he could tell neither was Frank.

When he finished the cigarette, putting it out in the crystal bowl, Gerard picked up his sketchbook he had been sketching in before Frank arrived and continued drawing the new character he had created for his comic. Gerard always got so immersed in drawing that sometimes he didn't hear when people were calling him, which is why it took Frank three tries to get his attention. Gerard's head snapped up when he finally registered Frank shouting his name the first time.

"I asked you a question, Gerard," Frank said, his face stoic.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," Gerard admitted because he couldn't lie to Frank.

"I asked what are you drawing?" He asked, watching Gerard intensely.

"It's a new character for Killjoys. His name is Fun Ghoul," Gerard said, handing over his sketchbook to Frank. "He's modelled after you."

"He has long hair," Frank said which, yes, Gerard had drawn him with long hair rather than the short, styled hair Frank usually wore.

"I know, I've told you before I think you would look good with long hair. Not that you don't look good like this, I just thought it would be interesting. You don't like it, do you? I could change it-"

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