23: Mondays

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I wake up to Ambien's lovely smell and the feel of her in my arms, but not even that can combat the terrible mood I'm in. I have never been a fan of Mondays, but after the weekend I've had I have more trepidation about them than ever before. Weekends are supposed to be a break. If that was a break, what does that mean for the week?

"Morning." Ambien sighs, turning over to face me in the bed.

"Good morning." I reply, doing my best to not show my bad mood.

"I'm going to go change." I say, giving her a half smile before teleporting to my room.

Janine is up to her old tricks, ruining my breakfast with a bolt to the shoulder. I tear the thing out and fling it in her direction, missing by a mile. We match glares as I teleport away. Sasuke shows up riddled in arrows. I guess because he's the only target now. I should have teleported him. Ugh, I hate today.

I'm sitting on the bench, moping, when Janine shows up. She comes up beside me, leveling her cross bow mere centimeters from the side of my skull. After a moment of her threat, I'm more than annoyed.

I grab her hand on the cross bow and force her to pull the trigger. I already know it won't kill me, but I don't really care. The bolt bounces off my forehead, a sharp pain erupts but is muted by the sight of the bolt sticking into Janine's arm. My eyes go wide, my bad mood forgotten. Curse my impulsive grumpiness.

Janine's eyes are ablaze with rage. "Dr. Hemsworth office, now." She grits out through her teeth. I get to my feet, keeping my eyes on her as I do. I'm surprised, she isn't mauling me with her magic.

Thomas and Sasuke are staring at me with shocked looks on their faces. Even Ambien looks surprised, which tells me I must have really messed up.

The blood from my now healed head wound is trying to get in my eyes. I wipe it away with my shirt as I make my way to Dr. Hemswoth's office. What's she going to do to me? She has never hurt me but Janine sending me to her instead of punishing me herself makes me think whatever Dr. Hemsworth will do will be much worse than anything Janine has done.

My hand is shaking as I raise it to knock.

"Come in." Dr. Hemsworth voice comes in a flat command. She's not even trying to sound pleasant now.

She's sitting at her desk rather than in front of it. "Sit." She instructs evenly, an unreadable expression on her face.

I duck my head and shuffle over to the chair in front of her desk. I stare at my hands in trepidation.

"Janine informs me you're trying to kill her." She accuses, sounding almost amused.

"No." I blurt, glancing up to find her dark eyes narrowed at me, her mouth pressed into a hard, bemused line.

"Sara. I don't want you to think Miguel's insolence did him any favors or that I've forgotten your role in his scheme. While Miguel did get his way and is in Hell now, he didn't complete his training. He'll continue it there. I think you can imagine how much worse training in hell would be. If you think what Janine does is torment you don' want to know what her counterpart in hell is doing to Miguel as we speak." She smirks probably at the horrified expression on my face.

Her cruelty refuels my anger. "Worse than what Bob does?" I ask, meeting her terrifying gaze.

A horrifying smile spreads across her face. "Yes." She stands abruptly, plucking something from her desk as she comes around to tower over me. She holds my hairbrush in her hand.

"Miguel didn't do you any favors either. Now that you all know what I am, I have no reason to continue playing the good doctor. You don't want to be on my bad side. There is always more I can take from you." She holds the hairbrush over a waste basket beside her desk. The brush begins to melt forming a purple puddle in the bottom of the can. It was just a hairbrush, but I feel tears running down my face. I guess I hadn't realized how much the simple object meant to me. It was my only piece of my dad I had left.

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