26: Council

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"I thought we agreed you were going to do as you're told." Dr. Hemsworth begins, when I enter for my counseling. I've been called in early, so I know it isn't going to go as usual. We haven't spoken much these past few weeks. She asks me the questions on her clipboard, asks me if there is anything I want to talk about, I say no and then she walks me out. Today she has something she wants to talk about.

"I..." I begin.

"I am certain no one told you to interfere with another Nephilim's training." Dr. Hemsworth interrupts.

I stay quiet.

Janine comes in suddenly, making me jump in my seat. She bears the tray of cupcakes and a gleam in her eye. Dr. Hemsworth plucks a cake from the tray and holds it out to me.

I flinch away from the fowl offering. As delicious as they look, I know their true nature.

"Eat." Dr. Hemsworth instructs evenly, leveling me with a challenging look.

I hesitate and she smirks a devilish light playing behind her eyes. If I could see her thoughts, I have no doubt I would see myself in torment. I take the cupcake in my shaking hand and hold it to my mouth. It smells sweet, but sickly so when the odor brings back memories of not long enough ago. The cake is as delicious as I remember. The frosting is butter cream and goes down deceptively easy for how rough I know it comes up. Once I'm done, I look down silently, hoping they'll let me leave now.

"Remember this, Sara. Things can always get worse." Dr. Hemsworth warns. "Now get out of my office."

I nod and stand quickly. Janine moves aside, allowing me a hasty retreat.

Brit is already occupying our bathroom. I can hear her retching through the door. There's an unoccupied room I hurry over to, busting into the bathroom, just in time to see a figure clamor into the vent, seeming to turn into a viscous liquid that oozes into the grate. I stare after the small grey creature, long after it has vanished. Have I truly lost it? What was that?

I lean over the toilet and do my best to puke up the contents, but it's no use. I have to wait it out. The nausea grips me moments later and I empty my guts into the porcelain bowl.

I stagger out of the bathroom, feeling lightheaded from my retching. I go over to my room to see if Briti is finished so I can brush my teeth. She's nowhere to be found. I brush, then sit in the recreation area on the couch opposite Thomas and watch him flip through channels.

"I'm calling my lawyer." Briti screams, throwing open the door of Dr. Hemsworth's office.

Thomas and I stare in awe at the beauty of her ferocity. Janine follows her calmly as she storms her way over to the locked steel reinforced doors, that are standard in Mental Health Facilities. Here they are additionally formidable, re-enforced presumably by Janine's magic as the entire building is as well as some rooms at her whim.

This leaves the question; how did Miguel and I get out on the first day I got here and how did he get into Dr. Hemsworth's office? Janine clearly has her own agenda. If I hadn't decided to stay here like Ambien as long as I can I might be tempted to figure out what that is. Going to hell would likely keep me from hurting anyone, but I can't say I'm eager to go there and I have concerns about what my dad will be told once I'm gone. At least he believes I'm safe here. Kali makes the paranormal world seem nice. According to Thomas, Kali says this world is amazing. she says she works for a werewolf, and they're friends. That she gets paid time off and a standard 40-hour work week, where she generally just stands around looking intimidating.

I can imagine Kali straight faced, legs slightly parted in a threatening stance, her steel grey eyes casting challenging looks around the room. The job was made for her. But Briti? Not so much. She belongs on a runway or maybe high profile law office. She would never be content intimidating low life's, working for someone else and serving someone else's interests. I might be fine taking orders, but I don't think I would be any good at intimidating anyone. Maybe being a half angel at all is intimidating enough. The money would be nice too. I could send dad some. With both options I risk hurting people, so I'd rather choose neither.

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