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After everyone was talking with each other we all left and went to bed for the night. The next morning we all walked up and walk to the entrance of the mean den area. There was an enemy an unknown wolf or a the territory wolf. And we all were ready for a fight in case one was to be brought. When we arrive received two She-Wolves. One was made a six years old why the other looks to be with the sage 22.

"Long time no see you again~~"
The older one said as she stepped forward to meeting everyone's gays. The younger she-wolf stay behind her behind a rock.

"It....Can't be......"
Lucas said shocked stepping forward in front of her. Blocking all of us from be able to attack her things go sideways.

" Oh~~ but it is Lucas~~~~"
The she-wolf said

"But how.... it's been years!"
Luca said

"I know and my apologies. I would have come sooner but I notice things happened. And I wanted to make sure you were staying and it seems you are so here I am."
The she-wolf

"Lucas you know her!"
Richie said in disbelief

Lucas responded

"Who is she?"
I asked slightly confused

"Well she's"

~~Lucas prospective~~

"My sister"
Luca said happily

"Your what!?"
Everyone in the pack said besides Brandon.

"So this is the sister you told me about?"
Brandon says walking up next to.

"Yes indeed!"
I said happily

"So that means that little one back there is Phantom?"
Brandon asked

"Yes indeed~"
Soulless said

"So what's your name?"
Richie ask eyeing my sister.

"I am Soulless~ this pup behind me is Phantom~ she is my adopted daughter."
Soulless said in time normal emotionless tone.

"I'm glad to see your sister what else happened?"
I asked

"Nothing much just been watching you from the Shadows that's all."
She says, calmly

"Wait how old are you?"
David asked

"I'm 22~"
My sisters responded

"What you to are twins!?"
Everyone except for Brandon me my sister and Phantom said.

"Yes we are..."
I say hungry in down besides Brandon. Trying to get underneath him. All the yelling and talkin and all the Wolves around are making me quite nervous. And when I get nervous I get more submissive.

"I see you soon as submissive as ever brother."
My sister said to me in a quite sad towards at the end.

"I've been trying to break it but it's getting harder..."
I say as my body is now fully underneath Brandon.

"I understand~ ..... is there a reason why you are Underneath Him."
She says him in a snarl. I was laying down with my head on my paws.

" I feel safe here."
I say, comely. Brandon didn't move, he just let me do it knowing the factor it keeps me calm. My sister seems to catch on to this and realize why.

"Ah~ Nevermind I see now"
She says they teasing tone.

"Sis! Don't you dare!"
I snap knowing what she was going to do.( not really snap snap has like an older sibling is kind of tell you not to do something but they know you're going to do it anyway kind essence! It's hard to explain I'm the youngest sibling in my family so I know what this is but hard to explain;-;)

"Oh~~~ come on !isn't a younger sister supposed to do this"
She says I'm going to send a wine.

"No cuz if you do you will be disobeying are alpha!"
I snap pulling that older sibling card

"You didn't make it an order so~~"
She says but before she can finish I cut her off

"Jokes on you it was an order!"
I say quickly

"You're no fun!!~~"
She complains slightly

"How about you go and introduce Phantom to plant and Andless they are the other two pups here!"
I say pulling my tail towards them.

"Oh~~~ yes! yes!! yes!!! it's been so long since you have someone to play with her age! Or around! You can go play with them deer~~"
She says in a motherly happiness to. And without another word Phantom goes and plays with the other pups.

701 wolds


If you check in the third page of the book but technically second chapter call Noticing I changed Andless rank from Omega to Pup.
And if I ever put Oakley I mean Andless I would hop in between which name I call him by.

I hope you don't mind!

Ps. Sorry I forgot update in this book. I've been working on my Christmas special for my one shot book. And trying to finish all the request I get. I try to post it more often! Like how I wanted to originate every weekend 2 chapters. So please forgive me for this! But I do hope you'll like it!

So sorry this chapter came out extremely late! And I might be the only one you get for this week;-; Sorry!

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