Chapter One

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Aaron p.o.v.
Italics means they are using telepathy
Current Location: secure S.H.I.E.L.D. Base

"Dad, it's spiking again." I whisper to Agent Clint Barton of S.H.I.E.L.D. I glance over and see him training his blue eyes on the machines below us. He runs his hand through the blond hair covering his head and sighs.

" Your right, your eyes are getting better. How about our telepathy?" "What do you mean?" I thought sarcastically , projecting it into his mind. "I have to such control over you" "ha ha very funny. Now focus on the mission!" He answered.

I looked back down and saw Director Fury talking to Dr Selvig. "And wait for it, wait for it!" I thought. A crackly voice came out of the walkie talkie,"Agents Barton report."

"Yes!!" I say sliding down the rope, "I do believe I get first toss during practice today." I continue, strutting toward Fury. "What the hell is she still doing here? I ordered evac ten minutes ago!" He said before I could say hello.

"Someone give this guy a drink and lock him in a padded cell." I thought to the following man. I hear a snicker and smile. "Well?" Fury snaps, obviously growing impatient. "Sir, I was given direct orders by you to not let the tesseract out of my sight unless otherwise told by you." I state clearly and slowly. "Otherwise I would be in the helicarrier."

"Where you are going to stay if you do that again." Agent Barton warned. I flinch and go back to the nest. The men continue to talk and I continue to look at the monitors. I glance through them and find the one showing the activity of the cube, It drops drastically and then shoots of the screen.

"Screen on your left is shooting up, it's going off the charts." I say into the walkie talkie clipped to my belt. I see Barton grab his and only to drop it back into the pouch when a giant stream of blue light originating from the tesseract opens a portal in the air. "What the hell is......" Whoof! The portal closes down and a figure crouches in the recently "portalized" area.

"Sir, please put down the spear!" Yells Fury. The man looks down at the weapon and darts his eyes up. "He's going to shoot Fury!" I scream through my mind, just seconds before the intruder does exactly that. I have a gift for reading people's expressions, as well as minds.

"I'm on it." And my father darts over and knocks Fury down, narrowly missing the jet himself. The other agents in the room runs bolt up to the enemy as I pull the trigger on my gun. BLAM BLAM BLAM! I was aiming for the arm holding the septer but none of my bullets go near him.

The rest of the agents are dead or unconscious so I duck down and hide using my fathers eyes as mine.
Clint's P.O.V.

Aaron enters my mind just as It runs toward me, I pull back to punch, he grabs my hand the same way Aaron does when we practice. I've never done it to her because it hurts like a fucker but as soon at this guy does it to me, I hear a loud scream from the nest.

"Aaron run! I think-yell " He is coming after you! Jump off the nest and hit the button I told you never to press!" The button deploys a pair of wings so Aaron can live up to the name Black Hawk. I watch as the man disappears in front of my eyes and reappears next to Aaron.

"No!" I yell as he runs his hand through her hair." You get you hands off her!"

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