(• December 31st, 2020 - 11:56pm •)

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Tzuyu's POV

"Tzuyu!" Mámah yelled, "Help your Apah with the drinks!"

I smiled, waving a slight goodbye to Jihyo. She would be fine in my room for a few minutes.

I ran down to the kitchen to find my Apah making snacks.

He turned to me "Ah," he said, "did your Mámah call you in?"

I nodded, grabbing the drinks from the fridge. I placed it on the counter before being stopped by my Apah.

"Lúlî," he said, "go be with your friend. Grab some snacks and two drinks."

I smiled before placing a quick kiss on his cheek. I ran back up to Jihyo and handed her a drink.

"So what's Apah mean?" Jihyo asked.

"Apah is father in taiwanese," I said, sitting down on the bed, "Also Mámah is mother, and Lúlî is daughter."

Jihyo smiled, "It's sweet that you guys still use Taiwanese words."

"I did technically grow up there before moving to Korea."

Jihyo pointed at the clock hanging on my wall. "One minute."

I smiled, putting down my drink and grabbed her hand. I looked into her eyes. She squeezed my hand back lightly.

As the clock hit midnight, she pulled me into a kiss.

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