(• February 6th, 2021 - 9:45pm •)

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Tzuyu's POV

Do you really think I listened to her?

It was about a five minute run back to Jihyo's house. It wasn't raining this time, which was nice, but it was pretty chilly. It never snowed in our city, but it did get pretty chilly.

I climbed up Jihyo's house, making sure to not loose my gripping. When I got on to the room, her window was already open.

"I knew you'd show up," Jihyo said.

I chuckled slightly, climbing in her window. "Parents still gone?"

She sighed, "Yep."

I grabbed her hand. "You'll be alright."

She looked on the edge of tears. But, before I could say anything else, she looked up at me.

"Are you okay?"

I let go of her hand. Was I okay? I wasn't even sure anymore.

"Not sure."

And then we sat there. In silence. It was the first time we'd even sat in awkward silence. I wasn't sure exactly what was making it awkward though.

"They'll never let us hang out again," I whispered.

Jihyo cuddled up next to me. "It's gonna be okay, Tzuyu. We'll figure this out."

I nuzzled closer to her as my shoulders heaved softly.

"I promise."

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