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Four Years Later



"Mama, Rico keeps popping my doll heads off!" Alessa whined showing Grace a healdless Barbie doll. Grace internally rolled her eyes and called for her son to join them in her office. She doesn't have the patience to deal with their shit right now.

She trying to figure out how to expand their legitimate businesses so they can flow more cash under the table through them. Washing the money. But of course her children's bickering, has put that on a brief hold.

Rico joined them with a smirk on his face with a PlayStation controller in hand . "I only did it because she wouldn't stop asking me to play the game with me," He immediately confessed.

"So why couldn't she play with you?" Grace sighed already knowing the answer. Because she doesn't understand the game.

"Mom, she literally doesn't understand the game. I've tried! It doesn't get anywhere so I told her play with her dolls. She refused so I popped the head off since she said she didn't care about them," Rico shrugged which made Grace hold in her laughter. These kids were becoming a bit too much for her but she needed it. She needed their craziness to distract her from her heart that never healed.

"Alessa, give it a few months and I'm sure you'll learn the game. Rico apologize," She spoke to the two children. A quick apology came out of Rico while Alessa looked like steam was bursting through her ears.

The facts that she copied and pasted her fathers face on to hers didn't help that when she gets upset she acts, and looks like him. Sometime Grace will purposely tick her daughter off just to see the stone cold expressions she misses with every ounce of her.

The children left her office and went their separate ways. Rico is now 9 and he is the little man of the house in his mind. He's respectful, helpful but has his mother no nonsense attitude. Alessa, now four, is a princess in every way with her attitude, demands, her girly attitude but she is still her fathers daughter and she doesn't know it, but she is like him in every way.

It didn't take Grace long to finish the little project she started. She didn't know she would be as good at this 'job' as she is. If Dro were here he'd be so impressed at the work she has done with the Colombo name. The two restaurants that they have in the states, she expanded four more on North American land then made them all into 5-Star restaurants. She then expanded them to two South American countries, with a total of four restaurants there and two in Italy. She made it an international business that they can just shuffle drugs and money through.

She opened more legitimate businesses for herself that included no drugs being smuggled through at all. She feel that it  helps her conscience out a little bit. Needless to say, Grace got slapped in front of a job and did more than what anyone ever imagined. They went from making possibly 3-5 million a year to roughly 80 million a year. Tarzan always teased her that she's a female Pablo Escobar, with a bigger brain. If only Alessandro could see her now.

As soon as she started sinking into depression her phone rang with her little sisters face glowing in her face. She sighed in relief, she hates thinking about him; the depression she sinks into involves her closing off for sometimes weeks at a time to the world. The only ones she can respond to are her children.

"Ciao," She answered with a small smile on her face. Renee always teases her on how quickly she picked up on the language and how often she uses it.

"This bitch," Renee laughed. "I'm in your city! I'm actually on my way to your house right now and so is mommy so she can watch the kids we need to get out!"

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