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Another day has arrived. Another day for him to lay low and keep his dynamic hidden. Last thing he wanted, was to be becoming a breeding bull for many Omegas in hopes to birthing more Alphas.

If all honesty, he is not interested in creating a harem just for that sole purpose. All he had to do for the rest of his life, is keep pretending to be a Beta until the day he died.

Doesn't matter how he dies though. Old age, murder, accidental, sickness... just about any of them. His secret as Alpha will be carried with him to the grave.

Just that simple.

The only problem for him is if time and luck would be on his side. Anything could go against him, and he rather kill himself if he was found out.

But he's confident that it won't happen. He hasn't been caught once before. And he rather keep it that way.

"Byleth! It's almost time for training!" His sister, Bella, shouted from the other room.

"Coming!" Byleth responded back, putting on some scent blockers while having his pheromones morph into one of a Beta if it wasn't enough.

The last time he only relied on them, his pheromones leaked out and the Omegas nearby were looking around for the source of the Alpha they had smelled. He quickly hid made himself smell like a Beta before the eyes are set on him.

Sometimes its amusing to see the confused looks on people's faces each time they thought they had smelled an Alpha. That, he will have to admit on that.

Concealing it beneath his cloak, Byleth made his way down from his room over to his sister. She resembles a lot like him, only except she's a woman obviously. Her hair is real and has blue eyes, while he has mint hair and emerald eyes.

"You know eventually you'll be revealed as Alpha one day." Bella tells him, making him scoff.

"I'm doing just fine at this rate." Byleth tells her. "Besides, would you rather that I'd be a breeding bull for the rest of my life?" He then added with a question.

"Of course not," Bella frowns instantly in response. "But you have to find a mate to prevent that from happening."

Byleth narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm not interested in finding a mate." He tells her. Bella furrowed her brows at his response but decided not to push it.

She wasn't sure why Byleth didn't want to look for his mate. But she can guess it was because of how Alphas are to Omegas, and he didn't want to be labeled as one of them.



Omega traffickers.

And so on.

She knows Byleth is neither of them. Though it seems being an Alpha, it's what he sees himself as. He was self conscious about the Omegas seeing him in a different way. At least, that's what she can think of.

"Brother." Bella approaches him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looks at her.

"Give it a chance. You may regret it later on."

"Why would I?" Byleth furrowed his brows.

"You won't know unless it's too late. Just...give it some thought." Bella tells him, as she retracts her head from him.

"Come on. We'll be late."


Training with the other demons is nothing for him. With the Holy War so close to breaking, many demons are pushing themselves to be powerful to kill the gods and goddesses.

For Byleth, he had earned himself quite a reputation. The other demons found out he was quick and stronger than a normal Beta should be. He has a mind of a tactician as well, making them all respect him.

They respect him as though he's the next demon to become a Commandment. But really, they knew he was the son of the famed Blade Breaker. His father killed numerous enemies in his days, and was praised for his feats.

So to them, they think he'll be the next Blade Breaker. But there was also another name he was given, which is the Ashen.

He wasn't sure how did he learn it. But he supposes it was because one time, he ambushed one of the trainees as his face got covered in soot and ashes from the fire attack. His face was devoid too, so that is probably it.

Now, he and his sister are in a formation line including with the other demons. The general was currently speaking, as Byleth found himself staring into space.

All of this is boring, he just wanted to go home and rest. His dark eyes lazily went off to the side, and became surprised to see the Ten Commandments there. Well actually, only several of them and among them are three demon princes.

'Estarossa of Love... Zeldris of Piety... and Meliodas the Destroyer.' Byleth thought, looking at the three demons with mild interest. It's not everyday to meet them all in one place.

And why are they looking at him oddly? With their noses wrinkled a little, while Meliodas and Zeldris had their dark eyes slightly widen in what looks like disbelief?

A sharp jab in his rib, making Byleth look over to Bella. She was looking at him with wide eyes.

"Brother! Your scent!"

Byleth blinked, and inhaled the air to smell his own scent. When the smell of peppermint hits, his mind shuts down. Because that scent... is his Pure Alpha scent.

Byleth looks around, seeing all eyes now trained onto him. The Betas were giving him shocked looks, while the Omegas looked like they're in heaven upon smelling an actual Alpha. That's when he realized at this moment... he is officially fucked.

"Ah, pardon us! We'll take our leave!" Bella was quick to act, taking her brother's hand and started leading him out of there before anyone had time to react.

Once they are leaving, Byleth in the meantime was cursing at his luck. Now they know there's an Alpha around up for breeding.

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