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Bella choked on her saliva while she was forging her weapon. Luckily she did not go into a fit of coughs, clearing her throat a bit as she looks over to her twin brother with slight wide eyes of disbelief.

 "Seriously? Lord Meliodas is also your fated Omega?!" Bella questioned him, in case she was hearing it wrong. She, along with Byleth, knew having more than one fated mates is a rarity and it hardly happens to anyone.

It was always usually a pair. To have a third mate and shared between all three of them is supposed to be out of the question, but it would only make sense in the case of an Alpha. Alphas can have a harem, but rarely do few of them prefer only one Omega or two. Even if the Omegas they are with are not their true mate.

"Unfortunately." Byleth grunts while cleaning his sword after sharpening it.

 "What do you mean unfortunately? Aren't you surprised and happy?" Bella furrowed her brows at him, which made Byleth scoff instantly.

 "Yeah, if Lord Meliodas wasn't being a bitch about it." Byleth responded, making Bella rose her eyebrows. He holds up his sharpened blade, as he continues, "He admitted that he wasn't interested in finding me earlier before he met me and now that he did, he was only fooling with me. He just thought I'm like those stereotypical Alphas!"

While he was pissed about it still, Byleth was still hurting about it. It's true that he did not agree to mating at first but he was changing his decision about it as he spends more time with Zeldris. Though he cannot deny that his Alphan side presents his emotional side when it comes to partners and wanting to please them.

He would understand that Meliodas isn't interested in mating because of himself being too powerful needing a mate by his side, but did he really had to go like that? Did he really had to go and assume Byleth is like the bastards of the Alpha, even though he was treating Zeldris rightfully?

He wasn't a powerful demon himself, but he was a rather gifted swordsman that made it up for the demonic powers he somewhat lacked growing up. He wasn't like Zeldris nor Meliodas nor the other Commandments, but he was respected enough to be an elite warrior among the Demon Clan.

Bella frowns a little, seeing that Byleth had gone silent and stared off into nothing, likely lost into thoughts. Putting aside the tools, she wanders over to her brother and gently grabbed him by the shoulders to turn him around. He looks at her with that troubled look in his dark eyes, as Bella lets her true eye color be revealed.

"Do you believe he is serious about it?"

"He said it himself." Byleth scowls a little, ignoring the fact his Alphan side is whimpering in pain at the fact Meliodas rejected him. "He made it clear that he doesn't want me."

"But did he push you away when you lost yourself in wanting to claim him?" Bella questioned him. "If he actually rejects you, he wouldn't allow you to touch him and you know what kind of person he is. He wouldn't allow you to attempt to breed him."


Byleth went silent for a moment, and then dipped his head down slightly. A silent moment passed between the twins, and then he slowly shakes his head. Because he recalled fully well that Meliodas did not stop him, and only instead was seducing him to do it.

Knowing this now after Bella questioning him, he is left lost.

"I don't fucking understand..." Byleth pinched the bridge of his nose. "If he doesn't want me, then why did he seduce me to claim him? Why did he reveal that he is my second fated mate as well?"

Bella paused for a bit.

 "Perhaps... he's conflicted." Byleth looked at her oddly, so she continued, "At one point, Meliodas wanted to remain without a mate as he believed there are no powerful potential partners for him. But on the second point, seeing you being identified as a Pure Alpha and his soulmate made him want to stake his claim on you but is hesitant because of how Alphas are."

"He... did assume I'd be like that..." Byleth admits with a heavy sigh.

"Unless maybe he's like you." Bella then brings up a point, with her eyes lighting up in realization. "He hates being an Omega and doesn't want to be mated for the sake of being bred, just as you hated being an Alpha and previously don't want a mate for the same thing. And out of fear of mistreating them."

That made Byleth pause in consideration. He just thought Meliodas rejected him because he wasn't interested in having a mate. But he did not consider the possibility of the reason behind it.

'Does Meliodas actually hate being an Omega? Is that why he rejected me?' he thought to himself. Then his mind drifted to Zeldris, and wondered if the younger brother hated being an Omega as well until he met him.

Now that he thought about it, Omegas are essentially believed to be delicate and weak compared to Alphas. But of course there are exceptions out there, such as those who are actually stronger than an ordinary Omega. It must be due to the fact the two brothers are given expectations and maybe even looked down upon when presented.

They must've hoped to be the first Alphas in hundreds of years, only for them to be Omegas instead. He went quiet, and decided to bring this question up later when he and Zeldris started their day together.

"But anyways, give him some time brother. Maybe one day, Meliodas would come to you for a talk and hopefully give you a chance." Bella assures him, making Byleth nod in silent agreement.

 "Right." Byleth then sheathes his sword into the scabbard, and started making his way over to the front door. "I'm heading over to Zeldris' place. Tell ma and father that I might come back tomorrow."

"Alright. Oh, and brother." Bella tossed something at him, making Byleth turn and caught the object in mid-air. He looks into his hand, and then felt his face burning when he got a good look at it.

Resting in his gloved palm is a charm, but it's not just any charm. It's a magical charm meant to prevent conception as long as it is worn. He looked up at his sister, who was giving him a sly yet teasing smirk.

"If you're gonna end up fucking and don't want kids yet, get Zeldris to wear it. I doubt the war is a good place for kids to be born into." Bella tells him, which made Byleth's face turn hotter. He wordlessly stuffs it into his pocket and left the house.

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