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Doyoung: hyung!!! Wake up!!!

Junkyu felt a pillow hit his face. He took it off his face.

Junkyu: yah! I'm waking up, I'm waking up!

Doyoung stuck out his tongue, teasing him.

Junkyu was woken up almost everyday by a new plan doyoung devised. One time it would be being sprayed with water. Other time it would be hearing a chicken toy. Or it would be doyoung clapping really loudly. It was impressive how doyoung always managed to come up with new methods.

Doyoung: don't trouble aunty!

Junkyu groaned out of annoyance as he got out of his bed and grabbed a towel from his cupboard.

Junkyu: wait I'll take a shower.

Doyoung nodded and hung around in junkyu's room, using his phone.

Junkyu and doyoung had been friends ever since high school began. They were currently in their last year so that makes them friends for 3 years. They became so close that their parents became friends too and doyoung would pick up junkyu every morning. Junkyu's parents would treat doyoung like their own child.

As doyoung swiped across his phone screen, he heard junkyu walk back in. His hair was dripping wet from the shower. Doyoung felt something stuck in his throat. Junkyu with wet hair was an eye-opening sight. At least for doyoung, who grew feelings for him over the years they had been friends.

Junkyu caught doyoung staring.

Junkyu: what?

Doyoung snapped back into his senses and cleared his throat.

Doyoung: n-nothing.

Junkyu: is it that shocking that I shower?

Doyoung laughed it off, thankful that junkyu didn't get any other ideas.

Soon they waved junkyu's mother goodbye and walked to school together.

Doyoung: hyung~

Doyoung flinged his arm around junkyu's neck.

Junkyu: yes~

Doyoung: Mr Park said there would be a new student today. Remember?

Junkyu: yep. I'm excited to see who it will be.

They reached the school gates and went up to their classroom. They didn't sit next to each other but their seat mates were friends with them, although junkyu and doyoung would usually hangout with themselves and yedam.

Mr. Park: okay everyone get back to your places. As I told you, we have a new student today.

Student A: oof I wish it's a cute petite girl.

Student B: nah I wish it's someone tall and handsome. And not nearly as wild as any other boy in our class.

Mr. Park: quite down, now. Haruto, come in.

The class looked confused, hearing a non-korean name. They tilted their heads towards the sliding doors of the classroom, which slided open as an attractive boy walked in.

He stood next to the teacher.

Mr. Park: go on, haruto, introduce yourself.

Haruto: good morning. My name is Watanabe haruto and I'm a japanese transfer student. I'll be in your care.

He politely bowed.

The class murmured about his deep voice and attractive appearance.

Junkyu and doyoung were impressed too, although, for doyoung, he couldn't feel romantically attached to someone who wasn't junkyu.

Haruto came and sat in an empty spot near the front of the room. The class got back to being noisy, until Mr. Park had to clap his hands to get their attention and start his physics lesson.

Doyoung found it hard not to close his eyes. Until his eyes finally gave in and he fell asleep on his desk. Junkyu was scribbling characters on his book.

Mr. Park noticed but continued his lesson. Right before he left the classroom, he announced something.

Mr. Park: doyoung, junkyu, clearly you weren't paying attention. As a punishment, I'll make it your responsibility to give haruto a tour of the school and help him get familiarized.

Doyoung and junkyu nodded. Haruto felt guilty about involving others.

Doyoung: that's not really a punishment.

Junkyu: great you just HAD to speak. Watch him make us clean the classroom at the end.

Doyoung clasped his mouth with his hands.

Junkyu looked at haruto and smiled.

Junkyu: My name is junkyu. That boy over there is doyoung, my bestfriend.

Doyoung waved at haruto. He loved junkyu but he didn't mind being called best friend by junkyu because either way it meant he was close to him. That was enough for him. For now.

Haruto was surprised at their friendliness.

Soon enough they started exploring the school as doyoung and junkyu introduced different sections of it to haruto.

Junkyu: so, haruto? When did you move here?

Haruto: about two months ago.

Doyoung: your korean is really good though!

Haruto rubbed his hair out of shyness.

Haruto: haha thanks!

As they continued walking, they saw someone run towards them. He halted right in front of the three.

Doyoung: yedam! Meet haruto! Haruto, this is yedam.

The two introduced themselves to each other politely.

Junkyu, doyoung and yedam didn't leave haruto alone throughout the day at all. He was shy but they get along well, to the point they would eat together, team up for PE, wait for each other.

When will you finally notice me ? | A dokyu FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن