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Junkyu and doyoung were in the chemistry lab. They were waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Doyoung: hyung~

Junkyu turned to respond to a whining doyoung.

Junkyu: yesss

Doyoung: hyung now I'm actually starting to panic. Our exams are coming up soon and now I actually need to worry.

Junkyu: I'm glad you realized. Now work hard.

Doyoung: I will. But I need help with most of my subjects.

Junkyu: don't tell me you want me to tutor you...

Doyoung smiled at him.

Doyoung: hyung. You're the smartest one amongst us and a lot of other students. Who else would I ask? And you're my bestfriend. I don't need to pay you either.

Junkyu laughed sarcastically.

Junkyu: no no no no no no

Doyoung: why not? Don't you know teaching others helps you remember and learn better? It's a win-win situation.

Junkyu thought for a while. He finally sighed.

Junkyu: fine. BUT you have to co-operate and listen to me.

Doyoung: yay! What time? And where?

Junkyu: 5 to 7 pm everyday at my place.

Doyoung: deal!

The teacher arrived and they began the lesson. That evening doyoung arrived at junkyu's house. He looked happier than ever. It was odd since he was the least enthusiastic when it came to studying.

Junkyu: okay what subject do you need help with?

Doyoung: all. But let's start with maths. It's the devil.

Junkyu: yep. It's going to be a long day.

They opened up their books and started studying.

Junkyu: what's pythagoras theorem-

Doyoung was playing with junkyu's pen, admiring the creativity of it.

Junkyu smacked doyoung's head with the book.

Junkyu: do you not remember the deal we made in order for this to work?

Doyoung looked at junkyu with puppy eyes, holding his head.

Doyoung: owwie~

Junkyu: cute

Junky snapped back to his senses and cleared his throat.

Junkyu: focus!

As doyoung tried solving a question and junkyu sat beside him, watching how he was doing it, the door opened and junkyu's mother walked in with snacks and drinks.

Junkyu's mother: aww you're working so hard! Junkyu you better teach him properly!

Junkyu rolled his eyes and sighed.

Junkyu: yeah yeah mom.

Doyoung: thank you aunty~

Junkyu's mom adored doyoung like he was a baby.

Doyoung got back to "studying" as he continued making silly mistakes and junkyu kept scolding him.

Their tuition sessions continued for a couple more days.

It was their 5th day and doyoung actually started paying attention.
He was solving a chemistry equation when he suddenly stopped writing midway.

Junkyu: is that your final answer?

Doyoung: hyung, do you still like haruto?

Junkyu looked at him, surprised with the sudden question.

Junkyu smacked his head with the book.

Junkyu: no, idiot. I don't anymore. I stopped ages ago.

Doyoung: really?

Doyoung smiled happily. Junkyu could swear he felt something in his heart leap. He shook his head aggressively to get rid of the feeling.

Junkyu: continue solving as many as you can. I'll be back.

Junkyu left doyoung alone in his room as he went to the toilet. When he returned, he saw doyoung sleeping on his arms which were placed on the table. He snored softly, his breathing being in stable intervals. He let out small soft sounds, as if he was in deep sleep. It was an adorable sight. Junkyu smiled at his cute dongsaeng and got a thin blanket, which he put over doyoung.

Junkyu: this cutie pie. I know he studies so hard, to the point that he doesn't sleep enough. Sleep all you want, baby.

Junkyu bent forward and subtly moved doyoung's bangs from his forehead. He placed a kiss on doyoung's forehead.

Junkyu: sleep tight.

He closed the lamp and walked out of the room, as he slowly closed the door behind him. Until realization hit him.


Meanwhile, doyoung had already woken up the moment he felt junkyu's lips on his forehead. He pretended to sleep until junkyu finally left. Once he heard the door close, doyoung put his fingers on his forehead, as he felt his face heat up.

Doyoung: how does he expect me not to like him when he is like this...

Doyoung waited for a while before he walked out, pretending to just have woken up.

Doyoung: sorry, hyung, I fell asleep. Let's continue?

Junkyu was playing on his phone. The sight of doyoung suddenly flustered him. He didn't know why, though.

Junkyu: o-oh sure. It's good to see you motivated.

Doyoung: haha thank you!

However, when they DID get back to studying, none of them could focus. There was an awkward atmosphere. Junkyu didn't know doyoung knew about him kissing his forehead, but he felt awkward knowing he just kissed his bestfriend who likes him.

The tutoring session ended and doyoung waved junkyu and his mom goodbye.

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