part one

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Modern Authors universe)

'There he is' you thought placing a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. It was a cold winters morning and you were out grabbing a cup of coffee from your favorite place, Tifas.
As you walked towards the entrance, you caught another glimse of the tall man you followed around.

Axel. You pulled your scarf up over your ears and smiled thinking he looked handsome in his button up uniform and apron. You exhaled, seeing the white cloud of your breath. You mustered up the courage and began the walk into the building, the snow crunching under your boots. The warm air and the scent of coffee beans and sugary treats greeted you as you opened the door.

Xions friendly face greeted you as you looked at the counter.
"Y/n!" She exclaimed. "It's been a few days since you last came in."

"Yeah.." You began while looking at the puddles your boots were causing from the snow. You casually walked to the counter trying not to slip on the shiny tile floor.

"So what would you like to order today?"
Xion had her hands ready to type in the order as soon as you spoke.
"Just a hot chocolate." You stammered as axel walked up behind xion, running his hands through his spiky red hair.

A sly smirk spread across his tender looking lips.
"Hey (y/n). You look warm." He teased pointing out all the layers you had on.

Your face turned a bright red as you nodded a reply. "Well it's so cold out there you need all this..."
He chuckled and shook his head.

"Sounds like a personal problem " he added while taking the cup from xion and writing (y/n) on the front, and handing it to you, grazing your fingertips with his as you took the cup from him.
You swore you felt a spark from it, but brushed it off and smiled.
"Thank you!" You sang sweetly and gave a gentle wave before paying and walking out of the cafe.

"See you next time (y/n)!" Xion called followed by axels grunt and wave.
"Bye!" You called over your shoulder and pushed the heavy door open walking back into the cold.
You shivered as a cold breeze ran down your spine. Shivering you held the cup to your lips and noticed your name written in red Sharpe on the cup, along with one other thing.

Axels phone number.

Burning Love (Axel X Reader) Kh A.UWhere stories live. Discover now