New beginnings? Or just torture?

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You laid awake in your bed thinking about the way axels lips felt against your own. After all this time of you imagining how it would go if you kissed him, it finally happened.
Your phone lit up and you glanced over at it and tapped the notification and saw it was from axel.

He had been texting you ever since he left just a few hours prior.
He sent you a picture. You nervously opened it to see a picture of him laying in his bed shirtless throwing up two fingers for a peace sign.

Axel: 'miss me yet?'
You smiled sent back a smiley face emoji before placing your phone back down again and laying your head on the pillow.
I can't believe he's messaging ME.
YOU THOUGHT AS you drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up to the phone ringing. Begrudgingly you picked it up and saw xions number flash across your screen. You brushed your h/c hair from your eyes and accepted the call.
"Hello?" Your tired voice making it obvious you just woke up.
"Hey I'm sorry did i just wake you??" She asked in a hushed excited tone.
You forced away a yawn and stretched while holding the phone to your ear.

"Nope ove been up for a while" you lied and rubbed your eyes with your free hand.

"Uh huh..." xion said suspiciously. "Well anyway do you maybe wanna come down to the coffee shop? We need someone to taste test new flavors and you seem like the best fit, so axel told me this morning."
You perked up a little.

"Y-you want me to come try coffee?"
"Well yeah. You're my friend and you come in all the time so axel said you might be perfect for it." She explained and laughed.
You accepted the offer and threw your phone on the bed hanging up and frantically got dressed and ready. You were a bit nervous about seeing axel. You wondered if he would kiss you again, and even then what did the kiss mean? You wanted to ask him. So you decoded you were going to as you grabbed your stuff and headed out the apartment and into the snow towards the coffee shop.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you're here!" Xion beamed and rushed to you in her brown apron. She pulled you to a table and sat you down.
"We have someone else coming in so just wait there ok?" Xion explained and darted into the back kitchen. You eyed the winder decor and slid your jacket off as a familiar figure walked over to you.
Axel. Except he wasn't alone, he was leading some other girl on his arm. She was skinny, and had blonde hair and striking blue eyes and bright red lips.

You watched as she ran hee long red nails across axels strong arm and felt heat rise up inside of you.

Just who was she??

Yes I know this was a shorter chapter guys lol. I decided last minute to continue woth my axel story as well because who doesn't love a good steamy romance :) more to come soon i hope you enjoyed

Now to find out who this mystery bi*ch is.

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