We Meet Again

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"THERE You are!!!" He cried and the girl left with an annoyed sigh.

You gave a confused look to him as you opened up the door motioning for him to come in.
"At least I exist in your world today." You growled as he shut the door behind him and you flipped on the lights.
"Wait what?" He asked before pointing at your phone which you laid on the table.

"I texted you telling you I was coming over today. Did you not see it?" He questioned before taking a seat on your couch. You shook your head and stared at him from where you stood.

Should I bring up the blonde and the girl just now?
You wondered As he continued staring at you and a smile spread across his lips.
"Wait..." He began before chuckling.
"Are you jealous?"

You clenched your teeth and shook your head before walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water. You heard his shoes follow you as you walked and he cornered you against a counter top.
"Listen. The girl in the hallway was asking me of I lived in the building y/n. Since I was sitting outside your apartment for like half an hour. " His face leaned in really close to yours. You pushed him away and began drinking your glass of water, walking back towards the couch.

"I don't even know why you're jealous anyway!" He called after you and you spun around swallowing the sip you took hardly.
"I am not jealous!" You tried to sound confident but you weren't sure. You wondered if maybe you were.

"Mhm. Then why are you suddenly angry after seeing me talk to that girl in the hallway? What was with your remark as we walked in?" He began bit you gave a sigh.

"I have no reason to be jealous. And why wouldn't I be upset when my best friend kisses me then pretends it never happened when we're in person?" You questioned and he gave a confused look.

"Y/n What do you mean? We just kissed like the other day what do you want me to do broadcast it?" He argued and you sat down on the couch with a huff and crossed your arms, after placing your glass on the coffee table.
"I don't know I thought the kiss would maybe..." You began and felt the heat of his stare so you shut your mouth and stood up.

"Thought maybe what." Axel asked softly and you shook your head.
"Never mind. I understand now." You choked back emotions and put your hands on him pushing him yo the door.
He fought you on it and turned around pinning you to the door like he had done before.
"Y/n..." He began and pressed his forehead to yours.
"Whatever is going on please tell me. Did i do something... was it the kiss? Why didn't you answer your phone... Why are you being like this?" He whispered and wrapped you in his arms in a tight embrace.
You kept your arms beside you and didn't move, you were to afraid to.

His grasp loosened and he took a step back staring into your eyes with his sharp green ones.
"Whatever is happening you can tell me."
You shook your head as those words escaped his lips.
"I don't think I. Can axel..." You fake coughed. "And I'm not feeling well so you should leave." You opened the door and ushered him out.
He turned to look at you and you felt your stomach knot up.

"Y/n.." He whispered again as you slowly closed the door.
Your heheary raced and your mind spun as tears from adrenaline filled your eyes.
"Did i... really just yell at him and kick him out?"You asked yourself. Before you could think or even protest you ripped open your door and tore out into the hallway.
"Axel wait-" you began before he turned around but he wasn't alone.
A blonde woman was attached to his arm popping bubble gum.

That's when you remembered yesterday and her snyde remark,

'Well, this should be fun then shouldn't it?'
Your adrenaline shot back up as a smile grew across her bright red lips.

"So this is where you we're axel." She drawled and let go of his arm walking closer to you. You could smell the suffocating scent of expensive perfume as she walked, the stench burning your nostrils and making your eyes water.
That's when you rolled your eyes and gave a nod.
"Yeah he was with me." You revealed with an annoyed sigh. She smiled wider and held out her hand.

"Well. When you meet someone twice it's time to introduce yourself.." she began as you took her hand cautiously.
"My name's Alice."
"Y/n." You replied.
"Oh wjat a simple name." She snarled with a fake grin and let go of your hand wiping it on her shirt.
"Anyway why don't we go get some dinner, the three of us?" She offered.
The three of us??? You questioned yourself and opened your mouth to speak but was interrupted by axel.

"I think we're ok Alice. "
She chuckled at his commemt and pushed him gently in a playfully flirty manor.
"Oh you always looking out for people. You're right she pry couldn't pay anyway, I would have GLADLY paid for you honey." She looked directly at you with a smile that was so fake, models would have been jealous.

"Anyway axel we should be going. I don't wanna get robbed while I'm here ." She laughed again playfully nudging you who jist scoffed at her snyde comment and crossed your arms.
"Trust me I wouldn't be caught dead with your accessories. " you growled and axel smiled.
"You go on ahead alice I think y/n needed me for something." He explained and looked directly at you.
She gave a sad sigh and nodded pitifully.

"Ok axy♡ I'll text you later." She gave him a hug and sashayed off. Your anger cooled down and axel stepped infront of your vision blocking her from it.
"What was that about?" You asked finally and he shrugged.

"She was here when I came out. I heard you call my name and she grabbed my arm. Said she needed to balance better in her heels." He explained as the two of you walked into your apartment. You rolled your eyes imagining her saying that when it probrably wasn't even true.

"Yeah well I was jist being friendly" you lied and picked up your cup from earlier drinking more of the water left in it.
Axel looked down shutting the door behind him.
"Y/n..." He began.
"Yeah?" You asked holding the cup against your lips.

"I have to tell you something and you can't get mad... ok?" He asked.
Your blood went cold and you almost dropped the cup as the next sentence escaped his lips;

"You're inlove with me aren't you."


Yes axel was oblivious. I'm all for thinking of axel as my little player skater boy lol.
In conclusion,
Our boy is oblivious.
I have big plans coming up for this story so please bear with me it will be updated soon!!

Burning Love (Axel X Reader) Kh A.UDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora