part 2

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As soon as you got home, you placed your house keys onto the coffee table and whipped out your phone, not even bothering to take off your wet boots or 3 coats, and hurriedly typed in his phone number.
'What should I say? Should I say hi, it's Me? Or just hey?'
You pondered as you walked the flood treading more water from your boots.

'What if he thinks that's to forward..'
Well there was only one way to find out.
After what felt like forever of staring at your screen, you typed the letters forming 'hey it's (y/n) and hit the send button, before throwing your phone onto your couch and sitting down hurrying your face in your hands.

'He'll never answer ' you told yourself as you thought about how he must be laughing right felt like forever before your phone finally dinged and you snatched it as the screen lit up.

Axel; "Hey. I was wondering when you would text me."
You could almost hear the soft tone of his voice. Your heart beat a little faster as you typed up your next message.

Y/n; "Yeah I didn't realize my cup had a phone number untill I was home..." You lied, not wanting to sound creepy.
You waited untill your phone dinged before touching it again.

Axel; "Well I'm glad you texted. I get off of work soon, do you maybe want to hang out?"
Oh shit. Axel wants to hang out! You thought standing up and pacing again thinking about what to say.

After thinking on it, you decided to just invite him over.
Y/n; "I mean of course. You can come over later if you want to. I can send my address." You offered.

You waited for the rejection.
Ding, your phone sang and you snatched it up again.

Axel; "Sounds great. I'll bring a pizza."

You closed your phone once you sent the address and sat on the couch contemplating what you're going to wear.
You took off to your room almost slipping on the puddles of water as you dashed.

Some time passed, and you spent all of it making yourself look cuter than normal, and cleaning untill axel got there.
You heard a soft knock at the door and it made your heart stand still for just a second.

"Coming!!" You shouted fixing yourself a little more and ran to the door opening it and being greeted by a rush of cold air, and axel smiling face, holding a box of pizza.
"Hey y/n." He purred walking in past you and setting the box on the table before taking off his jacket and scarf.

"Hungry?" He asked and flipped off the top revealing steaming slices of pizza with (your favorite toppings). You felt touched that he remembered such mediocre details about you. As the two of you are you studied him, how he held his pizza, which was odd. He folded the pizza over in half and ate it like that. But it didn't bother you as much, you were to busy studying his jaw movements. His bright green eyes were transfixed on his phone as he ate, you wondered what he was looking at.

His eyes finally trailed back up to yours and you felt your face warm up as his emerald green eyes, stared straight into your (e/c) ones.

"Is there a problem?" Axel asked arching an eye brow and closing the box of pizza.

"N-no..." You mumbled and looked away embarrassed at being caught staring.
You heard a shuffling noise and soon felt a hand on your shoulder. Not expecting to be touched you looked up and into axel perfect eyes. You felt the adrenaline rushing throughout your body and held your breath.

Axel examined you for a moment before wiping his thumb on your cheek and letting go of you.
"You had something on your face. Sorry" axel chuckled and wiped it on a napkin.

You felt your face warm up again and you stood from the table and went back to the couch even more embarrassed now than before.
"Y/n.." axel called and you heard his foot steps following you before you turned around and stared at him.
"I'm sorry if I got to close.." he began and closed the space between you two.
"I just wanted to see what you would do and needed am excuse.." he mumbled and placed his hands in his pockets.

"Axel..." You whispered with a smile and rolled your eyes.
"Youre always playing pranks. I never know when your serious."
His expression changed from playful to serious, it was almost frightening.

"I wanted to see how you would react, because I wanted to tell you something that has been bothering me." He placed a hand on your arm and pulled you closer to him.

"W...what?" You stuttered and felt him slide a hand around your waist.
"You come in to the shop every day..." he began trailing his thumb against your bottom lip. You nodded and he continued to speak.
"And I've noticed you, always smiling, always wearing your cute hair in different styles, I've noticed each of them. "
You were speechless staring into his green eyes.

"Xion and I talked and she thought it was a good idea for me to talk to you but u was never able to until today." He whispered and leaned in close untill your noses touched and you braced yourself for the kiss.
Axels phone ringing interrupted the moment, and you gasped as he pulled away and pulled his phone from his pocket.

He let out a long sigh and muted it's annoying sound.
"That's roxas.." he began and grabbed his coat. You looked down still in disbelief and shock at what almost happened and nodded.

"Is he ok?" You asked gently. Axel smiled and zipped his coat up before wrapping his scarf around your head.

"Yes. He just needs me to pick him up. I'm sorry I shouldn't have imposed..." he apologized and reached for the door. You beat him to it and blocked him from opening it.
"What are you doing????' You thought to yourself but shook the voice away.
'Now is the perfect moment to tell him!' You mustered up the courage and stared into his eyes again and opened your mouth to speak before axel snatched you in his arms and laid his lips against yours.

His arms slid to the back of your head as he kissed you, his lips moving against yours in a passionate feeling thay sent your head spinning. When he finally pulled away, your stomach was so full of butterflies you felt like you were going to throw up. He kissed your cheek and opened the door moving past you.
Before closing the door he turned to you and said,

"Call me later (y/n)"

You smiled and nodded, your stomach filled with the electric feeling the butterflies gave you.
"I will".

[Authors note]
I may continue this but I am completley unsure yet. Thanks for reading so far!

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