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It's been four weeks since she'd decided to stay with her cousins and aunt Dee. She picked her essentials into her purse and pick the credentials on the bed,

She was going into town to process her admission into a tertiary institution it was time to go back on living.Before her mum's death she had applied to two colleges and she only got called back by one, she wasn't going to take chances. Not like she was going to let people think her mum was right, she was gonna get that degree even if she'd use it or not. The last week had been smooth, all tv, games and weed, she even got to hang out with some of her cousin's friends and she was starting to feel herself, let her just get done with the school shit.

  "Ms Fisher you're up next"
She adjusted her beige pleated skirt and grabbed her documents on one arm and scurried to the office, it didn't take too long before she was done and coming out.

     She heard laughter and was forced to look the other way of the hall, some group of students were engaged in what seemed like roasting each other, immediately her eyes met a pair of dark brown ones that seemed to be glass there was no emotion in it, it went from laughing to straight up mean 'why are you looking at us'. She threw her head in the other direction and kept walking she knew she had double the problem anyone out there can give so it was not worth it.

    She walked outside and found her ride at the other side of the street, with her cousin Sin at the back seat smiling like the sun so bright it could blind who hated the shine.

   "How was it?"
"Pretty amazing" she got and showed her cousin the document that said cleared. It was a new beginning she knew eventually she would have to move out of aunt Dee's house and it meant seeing her cousin less but it was also worth celebrating.

    "Smokies" Sin told the driver who cornered the street. "Yo I'm so happy for you, you better come to see us every now and then"
"Lol you know I will" the rest of the ride was quiet, sin was on her phone while Grace just peered out of the window.

   Soon they arrived at their destination and met the whole family at a table where they celebrated with Pizza. Weirdly the image of the rude kid from the college premises came up in her head, hope she wasn't gonna face some rich kid poor kid drama in school, she had no money and was gonna survive by working and schooling she didn't need anyone rubbing it in, anyways she was always ready to smack the daylight out of a bitch.

   She got all the relief she wanted when she got home and flung herself on the bed, pushing the documents off before she rumpled them, they do rumple paper right? She roll eyes at herself.
      The door opens and her cousin comes in, Marc. "Have you figured out where you'd work yet?"
     "Maybe the small mart close to school or waiting tables"
     "I'd choose the first at least we'd be sure you're safe and fine"
    "Uh maybe, do you know someone there?, you know everyone" they chuckle
     "Yes I do, I'd go in tomorrow to ask him, you just settle in first"
      " I hope I like my roommates eh"
      "What's the worse that can happen"

AN I'm queen of the shortest chapters pardon me xoxo

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