The 7th Day - Seven Ugly Sweaters

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"Ugh, do we really have to go to this?" Chloe grunted as she brushed her hair and began to touch up her makeup. "I know, last night we agreed I wouldn't complain, but I'm shocked that you of all people are actually going along with this."

Lucifer called from the bedroom, on the other side of the bathroom door (in Chloe's apartment), "'Tis the season, Detective! I'm trying to get you out of the house and having more fun. You've had your fill of Christmas movies and wine-nights. Plus, I can spend all night making fun of Daniel! What could be better than that?"

Chloe rolled her eyes. There was nothing wrong with relaxing with a quiet night in, first of all. Second of all, this is Dan's favorite party of the year, but both of them knew, with Lucifer attending, it would be a night full of teasing.

Tonight was the precinct's annual holiday party and the tradition is to wear the ugliest sweater possible. Chloe hasn't attended the party since the Palmetto incident, but even before that, she'd never worn an ugly sweater, just a normal one. This year, Lucifer was not only forcing her to go, but he bought them both hideous sweaters. Chloe just kept telling herself that if she gets through tonight, she'd have to remind him to behave himself next week when Michael comes to their friends' Christmas party.

Once Chloe finished with her hair and makeup, she slipped on the sweater. It was actually much more comfortable on the inside than it looked from the outside. Lucifer must have paid way too much money for these. She would have been fine finding something random at a thrift store, but she did leave him in charge of the sweaters, so that's probably on her. 

Chloe's sweater was checkered with red and green squares, tilted on angles so that they looked like diamonds. Criss-crossing  along the outside of every square was silver tinsel, and hanging from the tinsel, were red and green bulb-ornaments. The bulbs were a little heavy, but not too bad. It's better than the alternative. Lucifer really wanted to get her a green sweater with a huge nut cracker on it that said: Nut Buster. Chloe was not wearing that to a work function. 

She knocked on the door and asked, "Are you decent?"

There was a pause and then Lucifer replied, "Not morally, but I'm wearing trousers if that's what you're asking."

Chloe shook her head and opened up the door. 

Lucifer turned around from the full-length mirror in the corner of Chloe's room, where he had been fixing his collar.

He grinned as he took her in a replied, "Absolutely stunning, my dear. Although, I still think that Nut Buster one would have been the hit of the party."

Chloe glared at him with a smirk and replied, "How could it have been? It would've been competing with yours."

Lucifer beamed, held his arms out to the sides, and spun around slowly as he let her take in his finished outfit for the evening. 

He recreated the sweater Jim Carey's Grinch wore in the movie from 2000. He watched it with Trixie for the first time not too long ago and uses every chance he can to quote it. 

His sweater was more of a long sleeve shirt, but red satin ribbon wrapped around both arms and gold jingle bells hung from the outside of them. A wonky red and green Christmas tree with a little star on top was gaudily stitched into the front of the sweater, as well as the words: I ❤ Xmas Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho. Somehow, there were even the little lights in it. The only part of the outfit that was different from the movie is that Lucifer wore his maroon dress shirt underneath with a pair of black pants. He just traded in his suit jacket for the sweater. 

Chloe folded her arms over her chest and shook her head, trying her best to stifle a laugh. It was a really good sweater and he seemed very proud of it. 

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