The 9th Day - Nine Pageant Programs

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That night, Chloe and Lucifer walked into Trixie's school auditorium, among the hordes of other parents. 

"There's Dan." Chloe said, pointing through the crowd.

Dan, having gotten there before them, cut through the crowd to join them. 

"Hey guys," He greeted, a bouquet of flowers and a few red pieces of paper in his hands. 

"Hi," Chloe smiled. "How's she doing? Is she nervous?"

Tonight is Trixie's school holiday pageant. This year, the school decided to perform Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol because the fifth graders were learning about it in their English/Literature classes. The Performing Arts Department uses stories like these as an opportunity to introduce the rest of the elementary school to the arts and let them all cooperatively put on a new play every year. Normally, they give lead roles to fourth and fifth graders because they are the oldest students in the school. Trixie, being in the fourth grade, had the opportunity to audition for a lead role this year.

Dan shook his head and smiled, "Not that I saw. She's ecstatic, and she's been rehearsing her lines non-stop for days in her room."

"Well, at least she's been at your place the last few days, then." Lucifer commented.

"What? You don't want to see a nine-year old prepare a very American and shortened version of an English classic?" Chloe joked. 

Lucifer rolled his eyes and mumbled about grimy little urchins ruining everything, even classic literature. Soon after, they decided to go check-in for their tickets and find their seats. 

"Oh, your mom is already here, by the way." Dan added to Chloe. Chloe groaned.

"Of course she takes time out of her busy schedule when her granddaughter shows an interest in acting." She grumbled as she handed hers and Lucifer's receipt to the teacher at the ticket booth. The teacher handed them their tickets and Dan led them to their seats. 

Lucifer smirked, "Come now, Detective, your mother is an incredible woman! We haven't seen her in almost two years. Now, I know the holidays can be stressful with family, but you should try to get along with your mother for your child's sake."

They found their seats, a few rows back from the front, and squeezed in past other families, much to Lucifer's dismay. He shuddered at the old, metal, folding chair that he was going to be forced to occupy for the remainder of the evening. It definitely wasn't the upscale opera atmosphere he was used to attending.

"Kind of like how you're going to get along with your brother on Thursday?" Chloe shot back as they took their seats. 

"Wait, are you and Amenadiel fighting?" Dan asked. 

Instead of responding to Chloe or Dan, Lucifer set his and Chloe's large bouquet of flowers on a folding chair and opened his arms and smile wide to greet cheerily, "Penelope!"

Penelope Decker stood up from her chair and mimicked Lucifer's glee, "Lucifer, hello!"

They gingerly held onto each other's upper arms and exchanged light kisses on both cheeks. 

"It's been so long, how are you?" Penelope giggled. 

"Wonderful, darling." He replied. 

Penelope nodded knowingly and added, "I'm sure, especially now that Chloe has finally dropped some walls and told you how she really feels."

Chloe turned her head and opened her mouth, affronted, "Actually, Mother, it was your bestie, here, that took forever to open up about his real feelings."

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