Act Two.

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I woke in an unfamiliar room. A warm rag on my forehead and my wounds patched up skillfully. Who could have taken care of me?

My thoughts still running wild, a lovely scent seemed to fill me. One that made me feel at ease. I sat up slowly, immediately holding my head like that would help.

"Oh, be careful" a beautiful voice spoke calmly. She reached for me and helped me settle back down. "May.. I ask your name?" I say respectfully.

"Lucy... I found you unconscious at the park.. you were bleeding so I patched you up. I hope you don't mind." She was gorgeous. Long blonde hair, large chocolate brown eyes and such a loving spirit.

"Thank you Lucy. I'm much more pleased that you found me instead of them." Lucy sat on the coffee table in front of me and rubbed my head gently. "Please.. rest and stay as long as you'd like.. I'm just going to get some groceries. You need some food."

Oh how my stomach growled at the thought of food. Anything food.

"I could eat you up instead" I smirked, eyes shut from the throbbing ache in my brain. "You're in no position to flirt sir."

"Natsu.. you can call me Natsu" I groan. "Ah... well Natsu, you get some sleep I'll be back soon kay?"

"Wait I've got a better idea." I answer back hastily. "What's that?" She replied.

"Let me come"

She didn't seem to like that idea much.. "you can't even open your eyes long enough to take a step Natsu" she retaliated intelligently. "It's not wise to leave a stranger unattended in your home"

"You aren't unattended you have Happy." Lucy crossed her legs and arms, each move she made in slow motion for me.

"What's a Happy?" I groaned loudly.

"The talking cat sleeping in the hammock over there. Now rest. See you in a couple of hours." She stood and gathered her things.

My eyes just followed her around the room. She made all the bad thoughts disappear, especially when I tease her.

The blonde bent over, zipping her boots and grabbing her jacket. There's no way I could just let her leave.. not without a Natsu thank you.

I found the will to stand, meeting her at the door. "Natsu! You shouldn't be standing!" Her arms reached for me as a I wobbled towards her. "Come on I'll be fine" I insisted.

"No. Listen do this today and I'll take you with me tomorrow okay?" Her arms wrapped around my torso acting as my crutch. "Lucy I just wanted to thank you..." I held her tightly in my arms, breathing in her scent to make sure it was coming from her...

"You're welcome..." she whispered, hugging me back and helping me back to lay down. "I promise I won't be long!" Was the last I heard before the door shut behind her.

Now I was here alone with a sleeping talking cat.


I made my way to the guild hall and met up with Levy to update her.

"Tell me the details. What happened between you and mystery hunk?" She asked excitedly.

"He woke up right before I left... even flirted with me and thanked me. He doesn't seem like your average person. Very different and definitely a mystery still." I explained, still shocked myself.

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