.Act Five.

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I finished dressing myself for the day. The memory of last night infiltrated my mind constantly as I quietly got myself together. It was amazing.. of course it was amazing.. and I probably won't ever get over the amount of times I saw my own climax..

He touched me so differently than all of my exes.. all of my friends.. all of the guys I've ever met. It's making me want him more.. more than I've wanted anyone else in this world.

I cracked another egg onto the frying pan. My concentration half on them when I heard the front door open. "Lu?? You around? " Levy's voice broke me of my daydream.

"Hey Lev.. I'm just making breakfast bagels. Natsu will be up soon." I said casually with the hope that he doesn't mention anything about last night.

"Yesss... how are you two?" She smiled innocently but I knew the intent behind it. "Fine.. why?" I asked awkwardly. She is definitely a smart cookie but there is no way I'm letting her figure this one out. "Well I mean he cooked for you, and ate with you and lives with you...." her smile melted into a smirk.

"He helped me with the whole Achnologia thing.. and turns out we are completely outmatched.. but.. no one could beat our teamwork.. so I'm hoping to take him to the guild today.." I turned off the stove and began to pile our bacon, egg and cheese bagels.

"Boooo... I was hoping for a more romantic story. Considering Gajeels been working with Makarov lately. Lucy I'm supposed to be living life through you for now." She complained to me.

"Funny. My life is just as boring as it always is" I replied casually just in time for Natsu to walk in shirtless.

"Is that so?" His smirk taunted me. "Besides the fact I found a dragon Prince, I'd say so.." I mumbled to him.

"Yet nothing's going on huh?" Levy's smirk reappeared. "Oh nothing at all." Natsu chuckled as he poured a cup of milk and of juice. "Happy?" I questioned the second cup.

"Yeah he woke me up rudely for milk. I smelled the breakfast so I guessed it was time to get up." He came up from behind me and reached over my shoulder to take his plate. "Nothing huh?" He whispered knowingly into my ear.

I cleared my throat and removed myself. I knew Levy was watching us.

"Hurry and eat alright? We're going to the guild." I grabbed her arm and pulled her to my office space, away from Natsu.

"He's awfully flirty this morning is he not?" She questioned excited for me. "Lev... things did happen okay but don't freak out.. it was a one time thing and it's not happening again until I know his family is safe.. when I'm not the girl that saved him anymore." Her bright smile turned into an understanding frown.

"I get it. But once this is over I'm totally rooting for the two of you." She giggled along with me. "Right."

"Luce? I'm ready when you are" Natsu poked his head in briefly before waiting outside.

We walked side by side engaging in frivolous conversation on our way to the guild when a blue haired child ran up to the pinkie who walked close to me.

"Wendy?!" He asked in horror. "Natsu! I've searched all over for you! I thought they took you before I could get to you." She sounded like she had just ran 70 miles to get to him.

"We can't talk about this out in the open.. come with us inside of the guild.. and talk to me.." she nodded in agreement of his words and we made our way into the safety of the guild hall.

As soon as we sat Master Makarov came to join us at the sight of Wendy. "Wendy.. tell me how did you get here?" Natsu began to question softly.

"I overheard him planning to capture you.. that you had escaped and he wanted you back alive.. says he can't take over the kingdom if the heir is still alive.. you haven't given up on Igneel and he knows you won't so he isn't going to stop... I came all this way to make sure you were alive. So I could help watch your back.." she explained somberly. The emotion radiating from her touched us all.

His little sister traveled by herself.. across the kingdoms to help protect her brother...

"Wendy... I love you. Because of that I left to keep you safe.. if I'm still alive he won't touch you.. he can't force you to do his bidding. To him you're just an innocent girl we took in.. he doesn't know father left the kingdom to you."

It had all made sense now.. why he ran, what drove him to ask for help.. why he cannot be captured under any circumstances.

"How doesn't he know?" Makarov asks. "We had a plan in case this happened.. since I didn't want the throne Wendy would have it, but in order to protect her I revealed to the world that I would take the crown. Igneel knew I would need to protect her from Achnologia one day. This just made it easier."

He never wanted the crown from the beginning...

"Why didn't you accept the crown?" Master Mavis asks after appearing besides us. "It didn't feel like I was meant to. I was meant to fight the bad.. but not as King. Besides.. Wendy is the most loved royal I have seen.. she deserves the throne just because of the way she connects with the world."

Wendy's face reddened but her smile was contagious. "Natsu knows it's my dream.. I love our people.."

"Allow us to protect her Natsu.. we can win the war with the two of you on our side." Mavis suggested to him.

"I'll take her in." Erza stepped up along with the rest of her team. "She's one of the four strongest women amongst us. Also a teammate of mine.. Wendy will be safe" I helped her case.

"She's the future of Ethoria.. I will protect her with my life Natsu. Even have the both of you join our team" Erza smiled at me, knowing I'd love that very much.

"Sure as long as it's called team Natsu." He laughed. "......if we call it that you'll trust me with her?" She spoke through gritted teeth. I knew it was just killing her to pass up her leadership roles for the time being.

"Great! Team Natsu it is!!" He chuckled along with the rest of us.

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