Act Four.

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Natsu really surprised me today.. I didn't expect any of this, in actuality I thought he'd be bedridden a lot longer and tons less charming.

I laid in the tub with my phone in my hand ready to dial Levy. I was pretty busy today looking for information on this tyrant. For Natsu's sake.



Hey Lev! So listen.. this Achnologia guy isn't written in any text out there.

Well... we're you able to find word of mouth leads?

I didn't ask.. at the last library I checked this guy walked up to me and asked me why I was so frustrated. I asked him about the name and he happened to know a ton. I wrote everything down but I can't talk about this now, Natsu cooked for us.

Tomorrow then. I'll come over. Try not to smooch in front of Happy kay?

With a loud laugh she said goodnight and hung up before I could argue. Of course she could tell I liked him.. how can I not? He makes all these sweet gestures.. is insanely attractive and seems to be fond of me too.

I need to focus though.. he has a kingdom to save.

I rinsed off and threw on a silk night dress that reached my knees along with a fluffy robe and slippers. Since I'm finally home I wanted nothing but pjs on.

"Luce?" His voice sounded through the door. "I just finished!" I smiled and opened for him.

"You smell amazing" he smirked, sniffing me in various places. "T-thanks. But enough with that. Let's eat" I smiled wildly.

He pulled my hand and led me to the dining area where our plates sat. The fish looked beautiful and the plate made me want to dig in. "Do you like it?" He asked teasingly. By the look on my face Natsu could definitely see for himself how much I liked it.

After dinner we sat in my room to discuss what I had been waiting to talk about since I've gotten here. "Natsu.. would you tell me about Achnologia?"

His body tensed. "He's spent decades on the other side of the world conquering each kingdom with his gruesome strength.. he is of dragon decent and can transform into one at will. He once spent a decade researching all different kinds of magic in order to to predict his foes techniques. His endgame is to create his own utopia.. ruled by him." I could see the fire in his eyes.. along with all the pain he's endured thus far..

"Him and Igneel.. they have history?" I asked carefully. The last thing I wanted to do was help him hurt more when I'm supposed to be helping him feel more at home..

"Yeah.. Igneel has battled him about four times already.. each time he came out on top and our kingdom was named untouchable by him.. the safest kingdom for us dragons to live in peace.." he trailed off, that fire that lit his eyes slowly beginning to dim off.

"But this time.. Igneel couldn't win without destroying his brainwashed subjects.. so he surrendered and has been tortured daily since.."

So.. we're up against the world's most fearsome tyrant..

"I'm sorry.. I know its painful.. I just needed to know what we were really up against.." my hand rested on his arm, my way of trying to comfort him..

"Don't be. I know if we want to take him down as a team you need to know the details too.. so you can ask me anything you need to.." he clarified for me.

His strength was admirable. "If I have any questions I'll definitely ask.. but for now.. what can I do to make you feel better..?" I asked on impulse. My heart had begun to thump intensely through my chest..

He chuckled lightly and stared into me. "You have given me a home.. have mended my body.. and have shared your life with me. You've already made me feel infinitely better." Natsu scooted closer to me, his face now inches from mine.

"I... I'm glad I'm the one that found you Natsu.."

"Believe me.. I am too." His lips grazed mine as he whispered to me in the most sensual voice I've ever heard. The chills that bolted up and down my spine ached for his next move.

"Allow.. me to thank you in my own way.." his forehead pressed against mine and my anxiety had risen to new heights...

His lips crashed onto mine and passion swept me off my feet. Each kiss deepened and soon roughened. His strong hands lifted me on top of him, my robe sliding off of me in transition.

"Mmm.. no undies?" That sexy smirk mocked me. How did I forget panties?

"Total mistake.." My voice low and my face a bright scarlet.

"Its... no wonder" his breath now shook in desire. "No wonder what..?" I ask as I shifted myself to align with him perfectly.

A low grunt later Natsu responds again "that I couldn't resist you.." after a moment of just staring at his eyes I leaned in once more to get another taste of the man I've been desiring since he was brought to my apartment. If this makes him feel even better.. I intend on enjoying it just as much.

Our tongues danced as my hips began to grind on him slowly, teasingly. My hands traveled his torso and eventually found his buckle. I could feel his hands running all over my body. The feeling had completely intoxicated my being.

"I want you." My breath was shakier than his, lust completely taking over me.

He lifted me up and laid me down on my back, taking off his pants in the process. "Then I'm yours." His voice dominated me. I'd never felt more exhilarated.

His lips pressed light kisses from my neck down to my love handles. Natsu's fingers tugged onto my gown, lifting it over my head soon after to expose all of me to him.

My most vulnerable state being exposed to the stranger I rescued.. and I loved it?

He took in my body, mentally capturing the moment before he began to play with my breasts. Each kiss sent sparks throughout me. Each touch felt perfect.

He knew how to send my senses into overdrive.

Natsu aligned his with mine, gently pushing himself in with the most lustful moan to escape his lips.

It just made me go crazier.

I bucked my hips upward to his surprise, giving us both a tease of how good this was going to feel.

And he did the same.. making my mouth water for him.

For just a moment, this is paradise.

The Dragon Prince and MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant