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Seated at her desk, Mrs Estelle tidies the pupils'files. The manager is so absorbed by her work that she does not hear somebody knocking the door.

"Yes ?" she finally asks.

As a fury, Lylou enters into the room and immediately closes the door. The manager raises her head towards the young girl :

"Oh ! Lylou ! You are soaked ! What happens ?"

Shiering like a leaf, she answers, breathless :

"Ma...Madam... ! It is...a...catastrophe ! The...boat...It will sink ! The water ! Quick ! Everyone !

- WHAT ?! How ?

- I do not know ! Come !"

Lylou grabs the head teacher by the arm and makes her get out at full speed.

A huge tidal wave disperse in the corridor and passes under the doors.

The pupils get out by groups, scared.

"Dear pupils, stay calm ! Everyone shelters !"

The crowd follows Mrs Estelle.

"Madam ! It smells like burning in Louan's bedroom !

- Oh, no ! Lylou lead the pupils to lifeboats, I send a telepaphic message to the staff which will gives you the instructions, do not wait for me, go !

- But...

- Do what I say !

- All...all right !"

The head teachers does not manage to run in the rising tide.

When she finally reaches Louan's bedroom, it is locked.

With a sufficient concentration and the hand holding the handle, Charlie Estelle manages to unlock the door.

The young woman is face to a real battle field : all the furniture is ashes, there is nothing left ! A smell of burning invades the room. The parquet is teared, ruined because of the rising water. The ceiling collapsed, leaving a view on the stormy grey sky. The balcony is soaked, and the furniture is dust.

Mrs Estelle takes her courage in both hands and examines the bathroom : in the same state than the bedroom !

"But how...why...how can water and fire mix to destroy two rooms ? Where does the water come from ? The boat floats on the clouds and it is not raining...Or maybe...that is it ! Oh, poor Louan...your hidden sorrow and anger have been turned into a tide and fire...I should have listened to you, understood you earlier, forgive me...I took you into that world without caring about your opinion, I was wrong...I beg your pardon...Where are you now ?"

A violent tremor and a stormy noise, far, interrupt the head teacher's thoughts. The liner dangerously pitches forwards.

"Quick ! I have to join the rest of the crew !"

With these words, Charlie Estelle runs after a fashion in the water and arrives at the level of the lifeboats, floating on the destructive sea of clouds. The staff is helping the pupils.

"Is everybody here ?

- I am afraid not, Madam...

- That is to say ?

- Well, it seems like a certain Louan Laury is absent...

- Oh no...he is not in his bedroom, where could he be ?

- I do not know..."

Lylou, having heard the whole conversation, approaches her lifeboat towards the head teacher's :

"Please, Madam, I know Louan very well, let me looking for him.

- You will not go alone ! Caley goes with you.

- Okay."

Caley spreads his wings and Lylou climbs on his back.

They fly to and fro, then start their long descent into the land.

At the same time, Sola Viatorem also begins its descent, but with a more important speed. Charlie Estelle, the staff and all the pupils say goodbye to the liner watching it sink and drown in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Bad ending for an old magical school boat which floated in the sky, welcomed thousands of magical Beings pupils from all around the world and made the happiness of all to offer them the best scholarship thanks to travels around the world, its quietness, its luxury, its activities...

At least, it made the happiness of ALMOST all...

It had to happen that a young boy, tortured, sensitive, unhappy, depressive, searching for his true identity and the reason of his existence, who asked nothing but to stay with his family and live his life, comes to that boat and turned upside down everything.

A young man whose shell is harder than an turtle's, whose heart is colder than ice. That is how the world sees him.

But nobody, until this day, search his other side : a passionate teenager and beloved by his family and his best friend. A teenager who, when he opens up to someone he trusts, becomes a true treasure with a heart purer than crystal.

So, before judging somebody too fast, dig a little deeper, explore the multiple side of this person's personality, what you will find is beyond your imagination.

At the end, is Louan really guilty ? 

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