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I turn my head on the right. I perceive my best friend, sleeping on a mattress on the floor.

I extend my arm to reach Axel's shoulder and softly shake it.


He opens his eyes, looking at me.

Axel immediately gets up, on a jump, failing choking.

"Lou...Louan ? Are you...are you back ?"

I answer by a hardly audible whisper.


Axel, enthralled, jump, then comes back a few moments later in the bedroom with biscuits, a glass of milk and red berries tea, all on a tray.

"Thank...thank you...

- You are welcome."

I sit on my bed.

"You missed me so much, my friend.

- So did you, my friend. What...what is the date today ?

- You would not believe me if I tell you.

- Why could not I believe you ?

- Well...look at you, do not you find that you...grew up a little ?"

Perplexed, I take the sheet off and my breakfast fails going down the wrong way.

"What ?! But...but..."

Axel deeply sighs.

"After your fall from Sola Viatorem, you put yourself in a coma. The boat has been sunk in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Mrs Estelle evacuated everybody, but you have been absent. Lylou and Caley found you and brought you to the hospital. Your body was covered by bruises and you made an external haemorrhage. You heart rate was weaker and weaker, until it became alarming, and your brain waves did not sent signals, almost. All your family, Lylou and myself were scared for you, you failed dying ! You stayed in the coma...for four years ! Thayt is why you do not recognize your body, you are eighteen, my friend !

- Eight...eighteen years old...what have I done...destroyed a boat...I do hate myself !

- Louan...

- I wish I would never wake up...I spread darkness around me !

- Please...

- All these pupils, all these peoples...

- Are safe, Sola Viatorem will be rebuilt."

I make a pause. I often have the impression to be a weight the world carries. I suppose that if I am awake, it is for a good reason. Otherwise, I will come back to sleep, forever.

Well...at least, magical Beings are safe. I destroyed a liner in a night, intentionally...with water and fire. Water of sorrow and fire of anger ? What ?! That means that...elements are realisation of emotions ? That is what I think : there is no individual thought, if emotions can be seen by everybody...I cannot live with magic, definitely. The consequences are too heavy to carry : involuntary damages.

"And...what about my exam ?

- According to your state, do you really think you could take it ? And, I think you do not want to hear about magic, do you ?

- You are right...But...while I was in the coma, I felt like...

- A magical wave ?

- Yes. It is Christmas magic which awoke you !

- Do you think so ?

- Certainly !"

I shrug. If magic saved me, I suppose I must owe it a big favour ? Does magical Beings' world really need me ? What did I bring to it, darkness which led to apocalypse. I refuse to make it suffer again !

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