Run C.7

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*I haven't updated this in a few days- I'll admit I'm doing better than I suspected, but sorry. I have two other stories set up right now, you should go check them out.
Also an art book. I take requests, if you want me to draw something message me.

"So, y/n, who's your favorite woman?" Tommy asked. They were on their way to the field Tubbo had discovered. They were still underground, but in a few minutes they'd be able to safely go to the surface.
"Ummm, my mother I'd suppose." Y/n stated.
"Well that's just boring, what's your favorite woman your not related to?" Tommy said, rolling his eyes.
"I dont know, Katniss Everdeen?" She snarkily replied. Though she did like the Hunger Games.
"A real person."
"Katniss is from that one book, right?" Tubbo asked.
"Yeah, poor Tubbo here is dyslexic." Tommy examined, pointing at Tubbo. They continued down the corridor, their footsteps loud against the rock.
"I know that. We were talking on the way to your makeshift base. So my favorite woman cant be fictional?"
"Cant be fictional, or related to you."
"Fine, Jennifer Lawrence is my favorite."
"Clearly the Queen is superior to who ever that is."
Y/n just rolled her eyes, looking down the torch covered path. "Maybe so, but I still like Jennifer Lawrence."
Tubbo squinted for a second before brightening. "Hey, I think that's the way out."
"That's cool." Y/n continued at a normal pace as the other two seemed to speed up a bit.
By the time she got to the ladder the boys were already on the surface. She sighed as she started climbing up the rails, making careful steps.
She pulled herself up when she reached the top and took a step back to admire the sight in front of her. It was no wonder the walk took so long, flower fields seemed to stretch out for miles. Tubbo was bouncing up and down and gestured for the two to follow him. He quickly plucked a couple flowers and handed the other two a few. He pulled the up to a tree with a bee hive on it.
A bee lazily crawled out of its home and lightly bobbed up and down as it made it's way over to Tubbo. He was practically smiling ear to ear, the bee now resting on one of the flowers in hand. They were of course bigger than normal bees, and not as realistic. But still really impressive. Another one soon followed its friend, but this one made it's way over to y/n.
She held the flowers out a bit as it landed on a poppy.
Tubbo, noticing y/ns bee friend squealed out. "We should name them! What should be call them!"
Tommy started to look sympathetic after he said that. "You probably shouldn't get to attached Tubbo. Some people have, y'know, murdered pets."
"Y/n looked Tommy dead in the eyes and explained how she was going to name her bee remembrance, because poppies symbolize death, peace and sleep." She stated, holding true to her word as she stared Tommy down. His mouth was slightly agape. "They also kinda represent the first world war."
Tubbo quickly smiled as he asked her questions. "Is it cause the bee is on the poppy? That's so smart! Do you know what daises represent? I would like to name my bee something cool as well."
Another bee slowly went out of the hive. It also went over to y/n, landing on a white tulip. "Innocence and purity. And thank you Tubbo."
Y/n took the bee on the tulip and held it out to Tommy. He hesitantly grabbed the flowers stem. "So, what do tulips mean?"
"Well they generally mean perfect love, especially red ones. But the white ones can represent worthiness and forgiveness."
He looked thoughtful for a second. "Well, I think were kinda beyond forgiveness at this point. Worthiness it is."
Tubbo was actually surprised to see Tommy getting aloung with someone so well, other then himself. Maybe it was because she was younger, or a girl. He always made it a point to show he wasnt the youngest on the server.
"So what about you Tubbo? What's the name gonna be." Tommy turned his attention to his best friend, y/n following suit.
"I think Innocence would make a better name." He smiled looking down at his bee. "How much iron do we have combined?"
"Not much, I had a ton in my ender chest though."
"Oh! I actually have blaze powder and some ender Pearl's. Do we have obsidian?"
Shaking his head no, Tommy looked around.
Voicing his thoughts, y/n spoke up. "Theres gotta be a lava pool around here somewhere. Theres so much space."
Tubbo handed Tommy and y/n leads, so they could keep track of their bees. They all split up, bees in tow.
Y/n went to the left, Tommy went forward, and Tubbo went right. They all agreed to stay away from getting closer to spawn.
Y/n picked flowers as she continued through the field, as she still had most of her inventory. She hummed some of her favorite Hamilton songs as she made her way through the tall grass. She could still see Tubbo from where she was at, but Tommy's trail led into some trees. The bee landed on her shoulder and she smiled, making her way through the tall grass. She eventually also ended up in some trees.
A band on her wrist buzzed a couple times, but she ignored it. She was distracted by the task at hand, finding a lava pool. She heard a faint noise, it was familiar. She could no longer see Tubbo either, and she paused to locate the sound. She took a few steps forward and swerved to the right. It was bubbling. A lava pool was near by. She squinted her eyes, trying to locate where more light might be. She continued to walk around the area, changing direction when the sound got fainter or louder. Then she found it.
"Tommy! Tubbo!"
She wasnt sure if they'd hear her or not, before Tommy's loud voice rang through the air. "Yeah? Are you okay? Find anyhting?"
"I found the lava pool!" She shouted back. After a few minutes of yelling back and forth, Tommy finally made his way over to y/n. "Took you long enough."
He scoffed at that. "Okay woman. You would have been slower if the situation was reversed."
She shrugged. He was taller, so he had a longer stride. "Fair point."
Tommy opened his mouth to retort something but closed his mouth again when the words sank in. She basically admitted defeat. "Okay then."
"Well, your the one with the diamond pick. Do your thing," she said as she poured water over the pool. He mutterd something about americans before doing so.
After gathering enough obsidian the pair started to make their way back towards Tubbo. He had heard Tommy's yelling, so he figured it was okay to go back where they started.
Upon reaching the middle of the clearing Tommy passed Tubbo the materials. Tubbo muttered a thank you and started getting to work. He quickly crafted the ender chest and set it down in front of them.
"Can I borrow some iron then Tommy?" Tubbo asked. Tommy shrugged in response.
"How much do you need?"
"Umm, how much is an anvil?"
Y/n stopped for a second before replying. "I think its about 31?"
"Sounds about right, so like. Most of those add up to three blocks and four ingots, right?"
They decided to just try it. After making an anvil Tubbo pulled out some name tags.
"Innocence, Worthiness, and Remembrance."
Tubbo paused. "Yeah, how do you spell that?"
"I can do it," y/n reassured. She wrote out the names and handed them to their respective owners. They all dragged the names over to their bees and a small name appeared above each of the bees.
Y/n carefully tucked a poppy onto her bee. Tubbo, seeing this followed suit. They both pressured Tommy into doing the same.
Y/n and Tubbo both agreed the bees looked adorable.
"If you want to take a photoshoot with the bees raise your hand." Y/n stated, as her and Tubbos hands raised into the air. Tommy sighed before reluctantly doing the same.
"Sooo," y/n drawled. "Wanna make flower crowns?"
Tubbo was immediately excited. "We should take the flowers that match our bees! This is great!"
"I already have a ton of flowers, but we could use some more tulips. We can also put some other flowers of the same colors in the crowns."
Y/n sat down and patted the ground next to her. The older two sat next to her and she showed them how to weave the stems together to form the ring. Surprisingly, Tommy was doing a bit better than Tubbo.
"Here, like this." Y/n guided Tubbos hands to fit the flowers together and started to get the hang of it.
"Your doing really good Tommy."
He smirked, "Well of course I am! I am Tommyinnit."
Y/n snorted, before standing up.
"Where are you going?" Tubbo asked.
"As I said, we could use some more tulips and white flowers. If you need any help just ask Tommy."
Y/n started walking away. She knew she saw a ton of tulips near the tree line. Her wrist band had continued to vibrate for a while, but now they were inconsistent. They started to pick back up again and she groaned. She was in the trees now and walking alongside them. She could probably find some lily of the valleys to match the tulips. She flicked at the band and opened the game chat. She paused and started reading through them.
They're in the tunnels.
Dont come back.
Theyre getting closer.
They found us.
They're breaking down the walls.
They have crossbows.
Lots of other stuff.
Dont come back.
Get far away.
They're heading your way.
Get far away.
Dont let them find you.
They're in your tunnel.
Get out of there.
Oh shoot. Maybe she should have read them a while ago. Some of the messages were from a while ago. They were all from Elijah, Niki, and Rae. Things weren't looking too good. She heard a distant yell and she dodged behind a trunk.
They found Tubbo and Tommy. They, were presumably the Dream team. Maybe a few others joined in. She tried to get a good view, but they were a decent distance away. She muttered profanities under her breathe before digging through her inventory. There were a few things, not that much. They gave her a bow, some basic iron tools, string, sticks, a water bucket, a few stacks of cobble, and bread with potatoes.
"Okay y/n, play to your strengths." She made a crafting table before making a few items. She traveled a bit farther into the woods before setting up most of her trap and filling another bucket with lava. "Sure hope this works."

*I accidentally published this when I was only half way done so I might have bothered your notifications, if you have them. 1800 some words, including the authors notes. Hope you enjoyed! This one was rather fun to make!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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