CH 8: Stoned Memory

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!Warning Drug Use!

"So you like our date so far babe?" Johnny asked me while we were getting on his bike.

"Very eventful." I giggled as I gripped onto him.

"Great, I think you know some of my boys right?" He asked as we were leaving the parlor.

"Lucky,Hal,Peanut,Norton,Vance,Lefty, and Ricky."

"You got it."

"I've been here for what felt like a good portion of my life, I can name everyone at our school."

"I was here longer and this town just has its perks and down moments ya know? I was born in the Bronx and moved here, say about 4?"

"Yep, that explains how you are the leader of the greaser clique."

"I'm just a natural born leader." He chuckled a little bit.

"I remember first seeing you when I was younger and thinking how dumb you are for being a prep but... you really aren't a prep."

"Oh haha." I rolled my eyes.

"So... is it true that your parents are in jail? Chad told me so."

He stayed silent for a second.

"Yes, they've been in jail for years now for doing meth and we were kind of a bit dysfunctional and they would get in so many fights."

"Wow, that's just crazy... well at-least you have your boys."

"Yep... I'd rather not talk about it anymore babe."

"I see." I stayed quiet.

We got to the tenements and I saw the boys doing their own stuff.

"Aye boys!" Johnny shouted at them as we both came in.

"Hey hey, Johnny!" Hal greeted.

"I want to introduce ya guys to Billie."

They all looked at me.

"We all know her." Vance said.

"Well, I mostly wanted her to check out the place, sorry it isn't fancy like the Harrington house but it's something."

"It's quite comfy, it reminds me of a treehouse just really big." I looked around me.

"It'll do." Johnny shrugged.

"So... what now?" I looked up at him confused.

"Want to watch The Outsiders?" Johnny asked me.

"Wow... that movie is amazing... I kind of associate it with a memory....but we can make a new one."

"Alrighty, hey Peanut! Get us popcorn, Norton go get us the DVD and pull out the TV and plug it in, Vance bring out the couch and blankets, and Ricky put away my jacket." He ordered the boys and gave Ricky his leather jacket.

"The rest of ya scram, I got a lady to impress." Johnny pulled me closer to him.

Oh god... my cheeks.

Johnny's boys did as they said as we were waiting.

"Are you comfortable enough Billie?"

"Oh just lovely!"

He was so much bigger than me, sure he is about 6 feet and I'm about as tall to his shoulder but it looks like he is just so strong. I think I want to stay with him, he is just my type. Just perfect..

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