05 | Lunch

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Doing my homework at my desk I hear a knock coming from my bedroom door.

"It's unlocked!" Pushing my papers off to the side, I see my mother step through the door. She spots me sitting at my desk seeing the papers of homework laying underneath my hand.

"Why are you doing homework? Don't you have a date soon?" I look over and throw my head back and grunt.

"Yeah."I mumble out in irritation.

"Come on! Sound more enthusiastic! This is exciting! I'm happy for you! What's this kids name?"

"His names Carter and I don't even want to go." I don't want to leave my bedroom let alone my house for unnecessary things that are just a waste of time.

"Come on Millie, you need to get up and get ready." Totally ignoring what I said, she picks up the papers off my desk and stuffs them all into my backpack that's sitting on the floor of my room next to my bed.

"Do I have to? Can't you just tell him I came down with the flu when he shows up and also say it's so bad that I can't go to school ever again." I have other important things to figure out rather than what I'm going to wear to lunch, I need to find out how that transfer boy knows me.

"Millie." She says sternly.

"Ok fine no flu, the next option is telling him I had to meet the Queen." She shakes her head at me and points to my closet.

"How do you even know about the lunch?" I trudge over to my closet asking behind me.

"Kyle, I was talking with him and it slipped out by accident, what's this boy's name again that you're going to lunch with?" I can't tell that boy anything.

"Carter," I grunt "I'm going to kill Kyle the next time I see him."

"Carter. I will have to remember that."

"Don't brother, I won't be talking to him again after today." I begin going through all my clothes in my closet and dresser as my mom sits on my bed.

"What why?!"

"Nevermind," Changing the topic so I don't turn this conversation into a lecture. "How am I supposed to know what to wear? Is this just a casual lunch? A fancy lunch?" I continue digging in my dresser throwing clothes left and right.

"Just wear what you feel most comfortable with." She stands up from my bed and walks out of my room closing the door behind her.

I just want to wear my sweats and a t-shirt because that's what I feel most comfortable with but I think that's too casual to wear, but why should I care so much on my appearance for this one time thing?

Staring at my clothes for a good minute I finally decided I'm just going to wear something casual but not too comfy, so I'm going to change into some cute black leggings with a beige sweatshirt and a blue Jean jacket over that.

I walk over to my vanity to curl my hair which takes about thirty minutes and then I brush them out to make myself look like I tried at least.

I grab my white high-top converse, slipping them on, and begin pacing around my room.

Why are my hands getting so sweaty? Am I nervous? Millie don't be ridiculous. Why am I nervous? This is just a one-time thing to get Carter to leave me alone.

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