18 | The Questions

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I pull out my phone from my back pocket one more time to read the message from Jesse then I shut my locker, grab my backpack and start to head to my class early

I pass by groups of kids, teachers and then I feel someone grab me by my shoulders.

I get pulled into a empty hallway and I turn my self around about to yell at whoever grabbed me but just when I was about to I realized it was just Owen.

"Owen! Why couldn't you just tap my shoulder like a normal person!" I push him by the shoulders and try to steady my breathe.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" He begins to laugh at me. How rude he almost gave me some sort of heart attack!

"Stop laughing! It isn't funny Owen!" This makes him laugh even harder which makes me begin to laugh until we both can control out laughters.

Finally after some time we both calmed our laughter

"I just wanted to know how's it going since last time we talked?" Seriously he couldn't just talk me on the shoulders for this question?

"Pretty good. I think I may have a lead on some information as long as everything goes smoothly" When does anything go smoothly though anymore?

"Smoothly? For what?" Maybe I shouldn't have used smoothly. I should've said only if the world likes me today.

"Remember the day we went to the coffee shop and we ran into your friend Jesse? Well he gave me his number and said he might be able to answer some questions I have but I also...might've stopped by the Grae's again and spoke to Leila again and if I remember correctly she said, I'm looking too hard. So to begin with I'm meeting up with Jesse after school and going from there" That was a lot of information for him to comprehend. His face looks like it's filled with shock and a bit of concern.

"Millie...I've been thinking, how do you know Leila isn't just tricking you to get back at you? This could all be a setup! I really want to help find proof that your innocent but we can't trust Leila for information!" Don't you think I know that.

"It isn't Leila giving me information! I'm getting information from Jesse!" I look pass him to read the clock on the wall. I have five minutes left till class starts.

"You don't know if Leila payed him or something to tell you whatever it is! She's the one who sent us there in the first place!" This is my only chance at least finding some information.

"Then I will take my chances! I need any information I can get!" I leave the empty hallway without looking back. That escalated quickly but I don't need Owen making me overthink this situation. I need to find the truth.

* * *

The coffee shop.

It's currently three thirty and I'm sitting in a little booth near a huge window, looking outside watching as many cars go by. Patiently waiting for Jesse to get done with his shift.

I came here as soon as school was over. After that conversation with Owen I did my best to avoid him.

I did run into Carter and I told him my plan. He insisted on going with me but this is something I need to do alone.

As I'm looking out the window I hear someone sit across from me in the booth.

I look over and it's Jesse.

He hands me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet up with me and I'm hoping you can help me find some answers." When I finish my sentence I take a sip of the coffee he handed me.

"What kind of answers are you looking for because I'm a bit confused?" Confused? What's there to be confused about?

"I'm just trying to figure out what exactly happened to Lucas, any details I can find that can help build the case."

I take another sip of coffee before replying

"Last time I came here I kept asking you if he came here alone or not and you kept avoiding the question..so did he came here alone or not?"  I went to the straight to the point with no regrets.

He takes a deep breathe before answering.

Has he been dreading this question or something?

"No he didn't come here alone. He came here almost every Tuesday with a gentleman." Did I hear that correct? A gentleman? What gentleman?

I stare at him with confusion written all over my face.

"A guy? Oh you scared me I thought he was seeing a girl, It was probably a friend or something."

"No. This guy was definitely more than a friend they were very intimate with each other." I let go of my coffee pushing it aside.

I sit with a blank face trying to think of an explanation.

"Do you know who this gentleman was by any chance?" Please say you do. Please say you do.

"No I'm sorry, this gentleman always went to the table closest to the entrance to sit and Lucas always came up and ordered for the both of them." Who could this gentleman be and why would he meet up with him every Tuesday?

"So you never caught his name by any chance?"  I sit up closer to the table giving him my full attention.

"No but he seemed really nice and you could tell they were fond of each other so that's why it confused me when you said you were his girlfriend." I'm sitting here trying to process everything I just heard. Is this gentleman the one who wrote the note I found?

"Fond? Fond how?" A million questions are running through my brain.

"You could see they cared for each other but besides that I don't know anything else other than that they occasionally meet a girl here." A girl? There was a girl too? What were they all doing here on Tuesdays?

"A girl? Can you describe her?" What girl could possibly come here to meet up with Lucas? I don't know any girls who was friends with him. Or at least I didn't.

"No I can't really remember her that well but I do remember them once saying, "hey Leila" when she arrived" Leila? If it was Leila why couldn't she just tell me herself? Most importantly why would she meet up with him on Tuesdays with someone else?

"Leila? Are you sure it was Leila?" I set my coffee aside.

"Maybe..maybe not, but I'm almost positive it was Leila..."

What does this mean.

Authors note:
This is the shortest chapter but it's one of the most informative chapter so far!

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