13 | News

218 101 35

It can't be true. It just can't be.

I repeat that sentence over and over again hoping that the more I say it the more I believe it. Lucas wouldn't cheat.

I shake my head snapping out of thought. I can't think straight. I need to talk to someone. I need to let it all out.

I need to talk to Carter.

I turn down the road and park in front of a house from the address I was given.

It's such a beautiful house. It's much more smaller compared to mine but the outside is much more kept up. It has a marvelous garden filled with dazzling flowers and a ginormous apple tree.

I stop staring to get out of the car to go knock but by the time I approach the porch, Carter swings open the front door and runs over to me pulling me into a hug taking me by surprise.

"Millie are you okay?! You seemed really overwhelmed on the phone?" Still holding onto me, he looks down into my eyes.

"No I'm not okay but I really need to talk to you, are you home alone?" I look towards his house, slowly getting out of his grab.

"Yeah, my mom took my sister shopping so they won't be home for a while." He scratches the back of his head, looking back.

"Can I come inside then? It will only be for a few minutes!" I say frantically. I didn't mean to raise my voice, I'm just so stressed at the moment after everything that has happened.

Carter leads me over to the front door without any words, letting me inside before shutting it. I turn around to voice him when I hear the door close

"Look I'm so sorry for everything. It's just there is so much stuff going on and you're the only person who I trust anymore and at the moment. I know you probably hate me now but I just didn't know where else to go." I can tell by the look on his face that I'm taking really fast. I can feel the blood boiling under my skin in my body. I just want to let the tension out

"I don't hate you. I never did." His voice is so calm compared to mine. Carter tilts my head forcing my eyes to meet his.

"I can't-" I take a moment to process what I'm going to say. I walk over to Carter and lay my head against his chest, taking small breathes

"I can't remember that night clearly I wish I could. Which is why I couldn't tell you but I need your help Carter." Suddenly my phone vibrates, telling me I received a messaged.

Owen: Have you seen the news??

"Millie? What's wrong?" I look up, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Where's your tv?" Without a response I hear a sound of a tv blaring from a different room. I walk away from Carter and follow the sound until it leads me to what I'm guessing is the living room.

"Can you switch it to the news please." I hear him approach behind me, grabbing the remote.

"Which news?"

"I don't know, just keep flipping through all the news channels." He starts flipping through until a certain article catches my eye.

"Stop." I step closer to the tv to hear what it is saying.

"Hi, I'm Gabriel Lang and I'm here to give out an update in the murder investigation that's been going on for a year for the death of Lucas Grae. After a year of searching no further evidence has been brought to our attention, we will be re-examining the case and as well as talking to the witnesses to see if any new leads has come up but if anyone has any more details about the death of Lucas Grae please notify us immediately besides that all other information is classified until further notice."

My heart begins to pound.

                                     *  *  *

I'm shaking. What have I done. I'm laying in my bed thinking about what happened last night. What did I do. I look to see what time it is. It's exactly nine o'clock. I get out of bed to walk downstairs. I just need some fresh air. I need to get out of here.

I reach the bottom of the stairs to find my family sitting in the living room staring at me giving me a sad look. What's going on?

"Millie you should come see this." Kyle tells me from across the room sitting on the couch. I walk closer to them to see that the tv is on but just not on any channel. The news. I take another step closer to hear what's going on but my eyes go wide when I look at the screen

Jogger found local high school student Lucas Grae found ashore west side beach. Police have ruled this as a homicide but no murder weapon has been located, if you have any leads or saw Lucas last night please contact police.

My heart feels like it just stopped. I drop to my knees with my hand covering my mouth to muffle the sound of me crying in front of the tv. Kyle runs over to me to pull me into a tight hug. What have I done. Not even a second later we hear the sound of someone knocking on the front door. My gets up to go answer it while my brother is still holding me in his arms. Two police Officers step inside looking around. My parents leave the room

"Millie?" One of the tall police officer say walking towards me with ginger hair and a bunch of gadgets.

"Tha-That's me." I stand up from my brothers grip while wiping the last few tears off my face.

"We got some news earlier today that you were the last one seen with Lucas." I stand there dumbfounded. What am I supposed to say? I look back at Kyle with a hopeful look signaling for help. He gives me a confused look but stands up and walks towards the officer and I.

"Sir I can say that Lucas dropped Millie off after prom and that was the last time she was with him." I let out a sigh of relief. My heart feels like it can breath again. The officer looks behind him telling the other officer to take notes and looks back at me.

"Do you have any idea where he went? Or who he was with after he dropped you off?" I look over and see the other police officer scribbling something down.

"No sir, I have no idea. He didn't Specify anything to me. I just assumed he was going home." The officer gave me a quick nod and started walking to the front door along with the other officer.

"Well thank you for your time. If you find anything else please let us know immediately." With that they exit the house. I turn around to face my twin brother who looks petrified.

"Thank you so much." I let out a deep sigh only for Kyle to give me another strange look.

"Millie what was that all about?! What's going on? If you didn't do anything why did you need to lie? You didn't..did you?" Kyles face goes pale and his eyes look like there about to bulge out of his head.

"No! Look Kyle I just need you to trust me!" I feel bad for asking this of him. He looks away from me.

"Fine. But I don't want to know whats going on."

* * *


"Millie?!" Carter snaps his fingers in front of my face to catch my attention

"Huh...what?!" I rub my eyes to get my focus back.

"You totally just stopped talking and spaced off." I look around the room. I'm still standing in his living room. I glance back at the television screen causing Carter to look over at me.

"Who's that?"

"That's...my ex boyfriend..that's Lucas." I look down at my white vans while Carter study's the screen for himself.

"He...he was murdered?" He could barely get that sentence out. I look away from my shoes and bring my attention to him

"Yeah. By me."

Authors note:
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