16 | Coffee Shop

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I need to stop dancing.

My head is killing me.

Trying to keep up with Lucas I end up stumbling over my own feet.

"Whoa Millie are you ok?!" I grab ahold of Lucas's shoulders trying to steady myself upwards

"Yeah I'm okay...I just got a really bad headache all of a sudden" I reach up to my forehead massaging it.

"We should call it a night, we've been dancing nonstop and by the looks of it we're both exhausted" Nodding in agreement I reach into my purse grabbing my car keys out.

"Can you drive please? My head hurts to much to think straight" I hold out my keys letting Lucas take possession of them.

"Of course"

* * *

After yesterday I'm so tired. I don't even wanna get out of bed. SucksI have school today.

I lay in bed for a few more minutes admiring how peaceful the atmosphere is. It's so relaxing being able to just lay here and avoid the whole world from all its chaos.

My phone starts to ring.

Guess that means I need to back come to reality.

I sit up and rub my eyes trying to wake myself up. I reach over to my nightstand and grab my phone and I read the words


Owen is calling me? I look at the clock and read the number seven fifteen. I guess this is karma from calling him so early yesterday.

I push accept and answer the call

"Hello?" Whoa my voice just came out super high pitched.

"Hey Millie, sorry for calling early but you called me even earlier yesterday so this is me being nice but anyways I stopped by the Grae's and talked to Leila" What did he say to her? If anything she's probably annoyed with all of us now

"Oh. What did you guys talk about?" I reach over to grab my water bottle next to my bed to take a drink out of it

"I asked for more information about the note. Well Josh came with me for back up. Think We scared her a bit but you said she wouldn't tell you anything but I figured she would tell me something and I was right" She told him more details?! Does she hate me that much where she couldn't tell me! I didn't ask for that much from her!

"Wait how do you know Josh?"

"Oh I bumped into him a few days ago when he was with Asher but Anyways that's not important! Do you want to know what she said or not!"  I sit up in my bed rubbing my eyes.

"Well what did she say?" My tone came out frantic. I'm wide awake now.

"She said and I state, if you really want more information go to Homers Coffee House. So hurry up and get ready me and Josh are outside" He's outside? Outside where? My house?

"We have school! I can't just ditch!"

I get out of my bed and walk over to the window to look outside into the driveway and right in front of the house is a red Chevrolet Malibu.

"Come on Millie it's just one day and you will only be late to first period you won't miss much" I stand at the window staring at his car deciding on what I should do.

"Give me fifteen minutes" Then I hang up the phone.

I don't have time to get ready so I throw on some black niki pro leggings with a maroon shirt and I put on my white vans. I'm surprised they're still white.

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