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A/N This chapter starts from when Jughead left B&V's apartment.

Jughead had rushed out of the apartment door with Jellybean by his side. He had seen the look Betty gave him while he was going, for him to stay, but he had a better idea. He quickly went down the elevator to the reception and placed a call to one of his close friends dad, Tom Keller.

Kevin Keller, son of Tom, was Archie and Jughead's extremely close high school friend. They used to be the weird trio...not because they were all weird but because they had extremely different personalities from each other. Archie was the captain of the football team and every girls dream man. Jughead was the weird loner who barely spoke to anyone but his friends yet he was the school player. Weirdo indeed. And last but not the least Kevin was the ultimate pride unicorn with his enthusiasm and whole jolly exterior. Kevin had gone to central New York to study more about drama and theater, his one true passion. The two had kept contact with him every so often but still were distant.

Tom Keller answered the phone in two rings and said," Hello Jughead. How may I help you and no I will not get you burgers from Pops right now."

Jughead smiled at that and said," I asked that only once because you were in Pop's. Anyways I had another reason to call. I need to report a harassment case."

Sheriff Keller listened to all the details of the whereabouts of the complaint and assured Jughead that he'd be there shortly. Jughead didn't want to stay there as Jellybean was with him so he headed home with her.

On the car ride home Jellybean suddenly started wrinkling her nose. Jughead asked," What's wrong Jelly?"

" Nothing, something smells rotten...I don't know what though."

Soon enough Jughead also got the smell and wrinkled his nose too. Jellybean brought her nose near his arms, suddenly pulled away and said," OMG IT'S YOU. YOU SMELL LIKE ROTTEN FISH."

Jughead smelt himself and rolled his eyes and then reciprocated," Stop trying to pin your filth on me. You smell like rotten raw eggs Jelly."

" No I do not. You are the one that smells like dirty socks."

" Clean socks you mean. I keep myself cleansed with scents that will clear out yours."

" What are you, a girl? Scents.", mocked Jellybean.

Soon they reached their house and and Jellybean jumped out of the car and went to the backseat. Jughead looked at her confused and asked," What are you doing Jelly."

" It's JB you asshole. And I'm trying to figure out where the smell coming from dumbass."

" Oof two insults in one go. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.", Jughead teased his sister.

" Do me a favor and shut up.", Jellybean shot back.

Suddenly Jellybean took out an actual carton of rotten eggs and showed it to Jughead. Soon they started quarrelling on which one of them had kept it in the car like an idiot. One thing led to another and the next thing you know, eggs were flying at all directions over their front yard. About 3 mins later they were out of eggs and breath and reluctantly went into the house trying not to provoke the other.

They both took a shower to get rid of all the egg yolks and shells on them and as Jughead finished first he ordered some lunch, to HIS liking. He knew Jellybean would be frustrated with him but that's why he did it. Soon she came out with a towel wrapped around her head.

Jughead snickered at the sight and said," I suppose the towel is larger and heavier than your small head. Also you have never done that before...finally trying to be a lady?"

" Shut up, you're giving me a headache. Also Betty taught me this so that the towel soaks int he excess water and the hair dries faster."

" I didn't ask for details about whatever that was. Anyways how is it with you and Betty?", Jughead asked truly wanting to know.

" Shouldn't I be asking you that Mr. She-Is-Really-Pretty-And-Sweet?"

" I clearly stated I don't like her just before I said those words."

" Mhm...sure. What about that time she tripped and fell in your arms. I am pretty sure a person who is not attracted to the other doesn't blush when something like that happens."

" I DID NOT BLUSH.", stated Jughead rather too aggressively.

" I could've been easily talking about Betty in this case you defensive prat."

" Well I know for a fact that you aren't. Why are we on this topic anyways?"

" Because you like her but your coward ass won't admit it. What ever happened to high school you..."

" Oh I don't know...I matured maybe?"


Jughead smacked her arm playfully but it would have to hurt a little or where was the fun. He then thought about every awkward encounter he had with Betty that made his heart flutter. These things happened almost everyday. She would either be clumsy or ask him to help her with something. Each time he would feel like to kiss her put of nowhere but refrained himself from doing so because that was inappropriate.

Jellybean took him out of his thoughts by saying," Thinking about a certain Cooper, Mr. Jughead Jones?"

This time he didn't make any sarcastic comment and plainly nodded a yes. Jellybean was shocked by her brother's answer and was curious to what he was thinking about Betty. Soon her curiousity gaps were filled as Jughead said," I really like Betty JB...I didn't even realize it..."

Jellybean's mouth tore into the biggest smile in existence but didn't forget to make a comment," Yeah well except you and Betty, everyone else seems to notice. Even Pop Tate."

Jughead's looked at Jellybean and asked," Really? But I didn't even think a fraction of me liked her."

Jellybean spit out her saliva in disbelief and said," Wow ok...that's a whole new level of obliviousness Jug...you sure you don't need to get your brain checked for ultimate dumbness?"

Jughead rolled his eyes but continued thinking about Betty and her different features. He really did like her...

A/N Heyo so I know this chapter may seem a little messy but I have a lot going on right now. My exams are going on and also my parents have been caught with the virus so things are pretty messed up at my house. I might not be that active but I'll try to post as much as I can.

Also fun fact I thought I might add, I have no siblings so I'm guessing this is what siblings do...although I'm pretty sure they don't throw eggs at each other- 😂

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