Part 13: Feild Trip pt. 2

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This chapter imma do a couple povs of the characters. :)

The two groups split. Gon talked to Kurapika while looking around. "Anything new with you kurapika?" Gon asked. "Hhm not really no. How about you?" Kurapika responded. Basic conversations and comments on the art they were seeing was all they exchanged. It had been around an hour of looking around till the two groups found themselves in the same section.

I was talking to Kurapika looking through the Picasso or whatever section when I spotted killua for the first time since getting here, he began to turn a corner so I began walking towards him. I had been enjoying myself decently till now, killua hadn't seen me yet so I thought I'd sneak up on him. That's when I saw Neon turn the same corner. They were chatting, I wish I knew what about. I wanted to be the one he was talking to about whatever it was. Neon leaned towards killua whispering something in his ear and then he blushed. What could she be saying that would make him blush that much. She pat his head and they continued walking. I had never felt this jealous of anything in my whole life. I didn't understand why I felt like this. That's when Kurapika and his curiosity came up behind me. "Ay I was wondering where you were walking off to, looks like those too are getting along." I just nodded and watched them walk off. "Ok common don't be jealous ya big baby." "I looked over at kurapika and began to defend myself. "I'm not jealous, I never get jealous! Why would I be jealous of Neon, I'm the one killua's best friends with." Kurapika looked confused and he began to chuckle. "I was talking about being jealous of Killua you dummy." Kurapika said pinching my cheek.

*Staring back from leaving the bus*

Killua POV
I was upset I wasn't going to be able to spend my day with Gon. After watching Gon walk over to his group I saw he was with Kurapika which meant I was with that nosy girl who's friends with Kurapika, she seems like a brat. I walked over to my group and of course within seconds she comes up behind me. "Hellosss, all my friends are in the other group so do you wanna hangout for the day?" Neon said with her words sounding curious if that's even possible. I agreed since it's not like I talk to anyone in the class other then Gon and Kurapika. Our class entered the gore art section. Neon and I's faces seemed to both light up. We were able to talk a lot about the different art because we both were knowledgeable. She found gore and stuff about the human body fascinating and I thought gore was cool, both our families had a lot of money so we saw stuff like this at auctions our parents had us attend. After this I was a bit more comfortable around her. Not many people at this school were above middle class which didn't bother me obviously. My parents wanted me to attended a fancier school but hunter high was only a 15 minute walk from Gon's house and I wanted all the sleep I could get. After around an hour of looking around she told me something. "As much as you seem a nice person killua the real reason I wanted to talk to was because I really like Kurapika."

           I was kinda shocked to be honest. No one has come to me before wanting to talk about their crush. My brother would be mad if I didn't use this opportunity to get our families closer. "Oh cool, what do you like about him so much if you don't mind me asking?" I said. "He is just so friendly and kind, oh and of course his eyes are beautiful. They show so much emotion." She was blushing a bit and had a very genuine smile on her face. We chatted about Kurapika a bit till she leaned over to me and whispered something. "I think I feel so comfortable talking to you is because you remind me of a gay best friend." Neon giggled. I blushed and she patted me on my head, which is better when Gon does it but whatever. I never told anyone I was gay but over the past week rumours about me from my old school started to surface, and on top of that most of our grade thought me and Gon were dating. The only ones who didn't were the ones who asked. "Oh I think the other group is in this section too, I recognize a couple kids." Neon said beginning to look around, probably looking for Kurapika. I began to do the same thing but looking for Gon. Our group began to move on before we spotted either one of them. I guess I'll have to wait till lunch to see my Mr. Bean.

Third person POV (back to the usual POV)
It was finally time for lunch. The two groups met back up, the two boys looked around for their best friend, when the finally spotted each other they dance walked up to each other. Gon wrapped his arms around Killua, pulling Killua's head into his chest while looking out of the corner of his eye at Neon as if he was claiming Killua back. After a couple seconds Killua began to squirm. "I can't breath baka!" Killua said trying to break free. "I'm sorry." Gon said in a soft tone pulling killua's head up to be in front of his in order to get a reaction out of Neon. Killua began to notice something was weird. "I'm going to use the bathroom, Gon come with me." Killua said dragging Gon by the hand as Gon looked back to see if he had gotten any sort of reaction out of Neon.

Once in the bathroom killua gave Gon a stern look. "What's up with you?" Killua asked. "Nothing." Gon said stepping closer to killua. Gon's hands snaked onto killua's hips, wrapping around his small waist. "I bet I give better head then Neon ever could." Gon whispered into Killua's ear. Killua was confused but before he could ask any questions he was being shut up by Gon's lips. They backed up into the handy cap stall. They passionately made out. Gon's hand slid up killua's shirt and he played with one of his nipples earning Gon a soft moan from killua. Gon started to kiss killua's neck when he felt something poking him. "You are getting hard from only this" Gon said softly while smirking. Killua blushed and looked away. Gon grabbed killua's face and redirected it so they were putting their foreheads together. "You can't be looking away from me while you look this cute." Which only made killua blush more. Killua's belt was being undone. Gon kneeled on the ground, he pulled down killua's pants and a moment later his boxers. Gon poked killua's dick, a bit surprised how hard it was already. He licked up the shaft which made killua's head knock back. "If you do that I'm going to shove your head into it like the first time." Gon wasted no time taking killua fully into his mouth. The slurping and sucking noses were incredibly loud so they both prayed no one would come in the bathroom. Gon got excited thinking of the first time killua and him would finally have sex and he could ram his dick into killua, he wanted it to be soon because he didn't know how much longer he could wait. They had been giving head to each other every couple of days. Gon bobbed his head up and down occasionally having killua thrust his hips by accident causing Gon to choke for a moment. Killua loved to see Gon's face as he was sucking him off. His eyes would be a bit watery and he'd occasionally look up at Killua. He smirked because he starting to imagine what kind of face Gon would make when he stuck his dick in his Gon's ass. This pushed him over the edge and he came immediately. With one gulp Gon had swollen it all leaving killua with a gaping smile in shock. "Ha... ha." Killua kneeled and gave gon a kiss on the cheek. "Can you wait till we get home for me to return the favour, we only have about ten minutes before we start walking around again and we haven't eaten yet." Killua said, not trying to whispered because they were alone. Gon nodded like a puppy. They got up and began to leave the stall. "Thank god nobody walked—" killua paused. There he saw kurapika, at the door with a hand over his mouth and wide eyes.

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