Hello :)

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Hi guys! I'm finally back! I've been away for two months and now I'm back with a new story idea!

Basically I'm scratching the other Saw story I was writing because I wasn't proud of the way it was turning out. I was rushing because I knew I was leaving. It just wasn't my best work. Now, I took some of my down time to plan a new story, which will hopefully flow much better than Apprentice. I'm really excited :) my rackmate helped me plan it out hehe.

My schedule is changing drastically, so I'll update as often as possible. I'm going to try and get back into the groove of writing, so I'll be rereading my stories to see what I need to do to continue the story.

Thank you everyone who read and voted and commented on my stuff while I was gone! It means so much to me! I'm happy that people are still enjoying my stories :)

And I have a lot of stories to catch up on as well! I'll be adding those to my library shortly.

I hope you guys like this. It's gonna be so fun to write :) and also, I have some ideas for more K-Pop fanfictions, but shhh this is my Saw fanfic hehe...

Okay! I hope you enjoy! Thank you for everything!

P.S- I don't own any of the Saw characters or take credit for the movie plots or anything :) I can only write this because a bunch of geniuses were able to write an amazing series. All I'm doing is expanding on it. Go show the movies some love, because they're really really good. They get a lot of hate and are known for being 'torture porn', but honestly, the story itself is more interesting to me than the traps. It's really dramatic LOL 

I really truly wish I had been born sooner so I could work on these movies LOL if I could have contributed to this series I would have been so happy. They're flawed, but even so. *chef kiss* 

ANYWAYSSSS enjoy :) Love you guys! 

(BOOK 1) MARK/HOFFMAN: A Saw FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now