Chapter 1

441 11 1

Your alarm sounded. It was 5am and your room was pitch black. You turned on your lights and rummaged through your wardrobe to find some old workout clothes.
It was your first day at your new school, and by some miracle you had managed to get yourself into UA. The BEST hero school in the country. To be honest with yourself, you couldn't believe it.

"Me? (Y/N) (L/N) has made it into UA high school?! I'm going to become a hero!"

You never really had any motivation to do well in anything...... apart from becoming a hero.

"5am is way too early, but I guess it's worth it, I gotta train hard if I want to become a hero, even if that does mean waking up at 5am"

You ran downstairs, almost falling on your way and ran into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.
You chose porridge, you thought that was the best option as you were going to begin your day with a 2 hour training session.
As you wolfed down your breakfast, you heard your dad shout "enjoy your first day sweetie, make the most of it! You're going to become the best hero I know." And with those encouraging words from your dad, you left the house and ran your way to the local park.

As it was only 5:30am and it was still a little dark, but you knew it would brighten up soon, so you began your training.

~Time skip~

"Oh my gawwwd" you sighed, falling to the ground with exhaustion.
As you lay there panting heavily, completely drained from the intense 2 hour quirk training, you failed to notice a red and white haired boy running past glancing at you as they did.

"Time to get home and get ready for my first day at UA"  you thought to yourself. You picked yourself up and took a huge sip of your water and jogged your way back home.

When you arrived it was 8am, you had 1 hour until you needed to be at school.

"EEEEKKK! I should've kept an eye on the time, I only have 1 hour to have a shower, get changed, do my hair and walk to school!" You did all that and managed to leave the house by 8:40.

"Oh no! I hope I'm not late, it should take 20 minutes to walk to UA from my house, and that's the minimum amount of time. Damn I'm going to be late for my first day! Stupid (Y/N), stupid, stupid, stupid"

You speed walked your way all the way to school, arriving at the front gates bang on 9am.

You rushed to your class room. You managed to get into the hero course, so your class was apparently called 1-A, you ran down the corridor, looking at all the classroom signs as you did, until you came across 1-A.

"I found it!" Your heart started beating faster, because you were in such a rush, you didn't even have time to think about how nervous you'd be.

You slid open the door and walked in.

"(Y/N) (L/N), you're 5 minutes late! This isn't what I'd expect from any student attending UA on their 1st day, definitely not someone on the hero course"
You seemed to be greeted by a tired looking man in a yellow sleeping bag, "this must be Mr Aizawa, my home room teacher" you thought to your self.

"I'm soooo sorry Mr Aizawa sir,  I was training and I lost track of time and I promise I'll never be late again! GOMENASAI (I'm sorry)" you shouted and bowed in front of the entire class.

"Just make sure you don't do it again, now go sit down, you're seat is the 2nd from the back nearest the window" Mr Aizawa sighed.

You looked over to where he said and noticed you were in front of a red and white haired boy, who looked rather expressionless. You'd never seen anyone so intriguing as him before, you immediately felt drawn to him, but you pushed your thoughts aside and went to sit down, unbeknownst to you, the dual toned hair boy's eyes trailed your body as you made your way to your seat and sat down.

Authors note:
Make sure to check out my other book - twisted love - Yandere haikyuu - it's much more fast paced so I recommend

⛓CONFLICT⛓- Reader x Todoroki x Yandere Midoriya x Bakugou Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora