Getting Ready for School

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I wake up with a start when my alarm rings out at seven o'clock. Yawning, I glare at my phone and turn off the alarm. I got rid of the Minnie Mouse clock on my tenth birthday when I'd gotten my phone.

I groan and roll out of bed. Mom and Dad are already at work. Still in my pajamas, I trudge to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of chocolate mini wheats. I eat fast, so that they won't grow soggy, then, with a little more energy than before, I walk to my room to get dressed. I throw on a loose T-shirt and old jeans, then go to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I wash my face, tying my hair up so that it won't get in my way.

Once I'm done getting ready, I shoulder my backpack and stuff leftover enchiladas, my water bottle, and a big container of peanut butter trail mix into my lunch box. I always pack extra trail mix because Jake and I fight over the Reese's Pieces and peanut butter chips. We're usually civil when it comes to the pretzels, but we play rock paper scissors with the peanuts; loser eats them.

After checking that the back door is locked, I jog out the front and lock the door behind myself. Jake is already waiting for me outside. I force myself to walk calmly towards him, not wanting to invite any jokes about how eager I am to see him.

Short part today. Sorry.

I just realized that this was all that's left of the chapter I wrote. The first part was in the thing before this

If you guys don't mind, leave a comment or two to let me know what you think!

Luv ya!! Toodles poodles!!

Izzy, Not Isabelle Where stories live. Discover now