Deranged Hyenas

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I thank my teacher, grab my books, and rush off towards the library, my three books balanced on my hip. I walk quickly; I have since before I can remember. I guess it might be because my mom walks fast - it rubbed off on me.

I reach the vast middle school library in less than two minutes. I head straight towards the "R" names section. I've been rereading the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. I read it last year, but I don't recall many of the details, so I'm refreshing my mind.

I remind myself to slow down as I approach the librarian's desk. Mrs. Adlon is a tall, mild-mannered woman with a face that welcomes people in. She's one of those people that everybody feels comfortable around.

After checking out my books, I walk back to the classroom, reminding myself that I can take my time; there's no need to rush.

That's when the girl from earlier walks around the corner, slamming into me. My books crash to the ground, and I let my hair fall into my face as I pick them up, hoping she won't recognize me. As my luck would have it, she smiles maliciously as soon as she catches a glimpse of my face.

"Oh, look!" she sneers. "It's the girl who wouldn't know fashion if it spat on her." She looks me up and down. "Actually, I think it has. Boohoo."

Books will save my life before fashion choices save hers! At least, that's what I want to say to her, but it seems like there's something caught in my throat. The only sound I can make is a choked sob. I drag my hand across my face to get rid of the tears that have started streaming down my cheeks, but they keep coming. Will there ever be an end?

The girl's laughter grates against my ears. I grab my books and walk away. I don't know where I'm going; Mrs. Copperfield's room is in the other direction. I just need to get away.

After a few minutes, once I've calmed down somewhat, I walk back to my classroom. It's been thirteen minutes since I left. It only feels like hours.

I walk into the room with my head ducked and collapse into my seat. I tuck my head into the book and try my best to focus, but it's to no avail. I glance at the clock. 3:17. Eighteen minutes left. Cathrynn and Bea are engaged in conversation. I lean closer to hear what they're saying. They're talking about their siblings again. I decide against joining the conversation. I'm usually excluded from those conversations, whether or not it's intentional.

The bell rings, and I rush off. I've composed myself enough to talk to Jake. I plaster a fake smile onto my face, something I have too much experience doing.

We walk towards our houses, exchanging stories of the day. I tell him about everything other than the girl in the hallway. I don't want Jake to feel bad for me. I don't want anyone to.

Poor Izzy!

Confession: I'm almost out of what I've saved so far for this story. Do you want me to continue? The updates would take a LOT longer.

Vote and comment, lovelies!! Mwah!

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