Extra - COVID

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Jake and I get caught in the rush of people leaving school at the end of the day. Everyone's wearing a mask, some with the masks pulled up to their eyes, so I have no idea who it is that shoves me against the wall. Jake grabs my hand and pulls me out of the building. Honestly, the way people are rushing out, you'd think there was a fire.

Jake and I reach the street and watch the people flowing out of the school. I pull my mask off of my face and stuff it into the side pocket of my backpack. Jake does the same.

"It's like a sea of masks," Jake mutters.

I stifle a laugh. Leave it to Jake to be poetic about pieces of cloth.

"What?" He asks when he sees my smile.

"Nothing. You just sound so refined."

"Yeah?" Jake pokes my arm. "And what were you thinking?"

I scan the crowd and nod, my expression one of deep concentration. Then I turn to my best friend. "Everyone's going to have some weird tan lines."

Extra because why not

So yeah this is pretty much based off of my two trains of thought at the end of the day.... 😂

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