Friends and Books

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I smile and greet Cathrynn as I walk into the classroom, having ditched Jake near the beginning of the hallway and disregarded judgemental looks for the rest. My friend grins and motions towards the seat in front of her. I set down my backpack and slide into the chair, turning around to talk to her. Cathrynn has long, straight brown hair that flows neatly down her back and beautiful, vibrant blue eyes. Unlike me, she has a nice body type. All in all, I am super jealous of her looks, so, in my typical fashion, I joke about it.

"So, how many boys' hearts have you stolen today?" I tease. Cathrynn laughs, and we wave as the final member of our trio, Beatrice, enters the room. She tucks her curly red hair behind her ear, displaying her freckles. So many freckles! She looks like a character from a book, tall and elegant, but playful and energetic at the same time.

All three of us are finished, so we talk for a while about whatever comes to mind, from classes to parents to their pets. Cathrynn has two cats, a tabby named Cindy and a calico named Cally. Bea, on the other hand, has one dog, a huge pitbull named Sweetie. Pitbulls are stereotyped to be mean, aggressive creatures, but Sweetie is just a big, excitable angel. He goes overboard sometimes when he's happy, jumping and licking, but he doesn't have any bad intentions. He will, however, completely cover your face in slobber. Trust me, I have experience.

Then the subject turns to siblings. Cathrynn's five-year-old brother, Bruno, has completely convinced me that I want to stay an only child. This time, he's taken a tube of paint and sprayed nearly all of her shirts. Now that I'm looking, I can see a bit of red on her shoulder. I wince in empathy, but she shrugs it off. Bruno has done far worse. One time, he cut up the dress she planned on wearing to the winter semi-formal to make outfits for his stuffed animals. He actually asked her to sew together the shirt for his giraffe, Jerry.

Bea has two siblings: twin four-year-olds, Emily and Ethan, and she swears they have multiple personalities. In public or in front of their parents, the two are perfectly angelic. However, when Bea is told to watch over them while her parents have a date night, they become complete monsters! I was staying at her house one Friday night, and Emily and Ethan took our phone chargers and played snake with them in the bathtub. Bea and I were chastised for being careless, scolded for being upset since "they're just kids."

Mrs. Copperfield, a tall, frail-looking old woman with short gray hair, walks into the room and plops down at her desk and starts to fiddle with papers held together by old, rusted paper clips. I glance at the clock. The period is almost halfway over. She must have been helping the new teacher, Ms. Goldstein, across the hall. Ms. Goldstein was fairly new. She's only been teaching at this school for a week or so.

"Be right back," I tell my friends as I stand and walk towards Mrs. Copperfield's desk. She smiles warmly, and I grin back.

"May I go to the library, please?"

The elderly teacher is nodding before I finish asking. "Go ahead, sweetie."

Omg I cringed so much when I was reading this... but I'm too lazy to fix it sooooo

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