Contest Beauty

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May's P.O.V.-

"Alright, come on out!"

The pokéball opened and the red light shined brightly.

I stood with the rest of my pokemon in awe, watching the graceful figure that emerged from the pokeball.

"Wow..." I breathed.

It was long and beautiful.

A Shiny Milotic.


<wow, even I think that is one gorgeous milotic, and its a shiny>

I could only nod.

Oh Manaphy....

Drew's P.O.V.-

I can't believe harley did that to May! How low could he go?

So now what? May ran off to grab her pokemon. maybe I could find her? Nah, I need to train. no doubt she has a trick up her sleeve to try and beat me.

"Rosarade?" My pokemon looked up at me as if asking a question.

Oh that.

"Of course we will get May a rose, don't we always?"

"Roserade!" My Pokemon danced around happily.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I hope mays doing ok...

May's P.O.V.-

"Okay troops," I said pacing back in forth in front of my pokemon.

"We need to win this contest! Beautifly, you will participate in the first round. Milotic, you will be in the battle round. Is everyone clear?!" I said with enthusiasm.

My Pokemon nodded and sweat dropped at my enthusiasm.

Just wait till you see this performance drew.

~time skip to contest~

"Alright beautifly, take the stage!" I said releasing Beautifly.

"Use stunspore! then use physic!" I commanded my pokemon.

The yellow powder created by stunspore began to have a purple glow and form into the shape of a beautifly, and then exploded outward to form mini roses across the stage.

"Great job, now use air cutter!" I commanded.

The air cutter was aimed towards the ground and bounced upward to collide with the stunspore roses, beautifly was gracefully twirling around.

It work perfectly!

For the final pose beautifly landed on my head.

I scored a 28.9 For the performance.

"Great job beautifly! That looked beautiful!"

I gave her a few pokeblocks and returned her to her pokeball.

I watched as drew got a score of 29. ugh, I almost beat him. I was so close to...

After waiting for a couple of minutes, the judges revealed the contestants moving on.

Drew was first, I was second, and then a bunch of other random people, and last was Brianna.

Ug I hate her.

And the first battle is....

Me against Brianna. time for some serious pay back.

(Now to the battle round)

"Masqurain, lets go!" Brianna called.

Ug, have I mentioned I hate her?

"Alright, Milotic take the stage!" I released Milotic who came out gracefully.

I heard Brianna and some others gasp.

Ha, surprise Brianna.

"Y-your milotic, its a-a s-shiny!" Brianna stuttered.

I just smirked.

Holy mew. I smirked. Looks like Drew is rubbing off on me.

Drew's P.O.V.-

Oh. my. mew.

May has a shiny Milotic?! Since when!

I watched Brianna say something unledgable, and may smirked in reply.

Wait, since when does may smirk?

May was battling really intensely. wow she was focused.

Brianna was struggling against Milotic. Like really bad.

Wow may looks really beautif-



I don't like may...right?

(Time skip to awards)

Wow. may actually beat me. her Milotic dominated my masqurain.
She looked so happy accepting the award that I didn't really mind.

Though I have one question.... why is Brianna always copying my pokemon?

I walked up to may.

"Nice job june, so you got a Milotic huh? Lucky break I guess, who gave it to you anyway?" I joked

I watched in confusion as her facial expression turned from mad, to smug, to Anger, then to sadness.

"I-I c-caught it f-for your i-information!" She stuttered angrily.

"Geez April, I was only joking" I said as I threw a rose in her direction.

"It's for Beautifly right?" She asked.

I turned around so she couldn't see my face burning up. Wait why am I blushing?

"Yeah, something like that" I said and walked away.

May's P.O.V.-

Why are the roses always for Beautifly? Why can't I ever get one?

But he was right I did win on luck, not skill. It's not like I caught Milotic myself.

I guess I really am a fail. I sighed as I sat down.

<yes you are a fail but--->

Don't even say it! I hate you still!

<why? I didn't bug you during the contest.>

Yes but it has been like..... Weeks since I have had slept because of you!


"Why me?"
(A/N: Notice she said that out loud)



I am so sorry it took so long to update!

Wattpad and life was being difficult, but hey I updated!

I have decided to make this book a little longer than originally planned! Hooray!

Thanks for the many reads!


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