The Coraline Method

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For this method, it requires that you must be half asleep in order for it to work, just like the Raven method. It also requires visualization too.

After meditating, make sure that your room is colder than your body temperature. Lie on your back.

Close your eyes. Visualize yourself getting up from your bed and walking to a small door. Open it, and start to crawl through the tunnel- like in the movie.

With every 'step' you take (I'll be watching youuuu) visualize yourself getting closer and closer to another door. Make the tunnel long so you have enough time to visualize.

Once you feel your chest to become heavy and you get all tingly, reach the door. You will see white light beaming from the cracks of the door.

Push the door open, and stand in the bright light. When the light fades, you should be in your DR.

I myself have not tried this method, but I will be tonight. I'll update y'all in the comments.

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