We Need A Bigger Tree

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"This isn't a good idea," Sam was saying cautiously but seriously as she stepped out of the truck.

A sarcastically innocent look crossed Jack's face. "Why would you think that? I'm full of good ideas. Sometimes..." He leaned into the bed of the truck and grabbed his chainsaw. He walked over to Sam, who put a hand on her hip and shook her head.

"I hope you know you're buying a new truck if that tree falls down on it."

Jack smiled. "I needed a new one anyways." He leaned over and kissed the top of Sam's head. "Just watch." She gave him a look of doubt, but she didn't argue. There was no point of trying to convince Jack otherwise when he was like this. She knew it too well.

Jack kneeled down on the ground and turned on the chainsaw. He cut the big piney green tree down on its stump. It wasn't a very wide tree. Maybe just a foot or two in size. Still, it would be perfect for his first Christmas together with Sam. He continues to cut the tree down, until it fell on it side, disconnected from the ground.

"See?" Jack said cheerful. Sam just smiled and shook her head.

"You still have to drag it into the back," she insisted.

"You're at least helping me with that part, right?"

Sam nodded and helped him. With some effort, they got the tree in the back. It fit just perfectly. After that they loaded up in the truck. Both glanced back at the Christmas tree behind them.

"Not too bad, right?" Sam stared at him. "Better than you thought?" He asked a little unsure.

"It'll be perfect." She smiled again, then leaned over and kissed him.

"If I knew I got a kiss for every time I cut down a tree I would do it more often." Once again Sam was laughing as Jack pulled the truck back around.


It was a whole nother challenge getting the tree inside Jack's cabin. Once they reached the door, they realized soon enough that it wouldn't fit through the doorway.

"Still think this is a good idea?" Sam asked, peering into Jack's uncertain face. He quickly made it seem like he knew what he was doing.

"Just cut off a few limbs, and it should fit through." He was already pulling out his saw and cutting away before Sam could argue.

Twenty minutes later, Jack had cut off enough to fit it through the doorway. Sam jumped up to help him. It slid through the door with ease.

"Where are we putting it?" Sam asked.

"Where do you want it?" Jack replied. Sam smiled at him.

"How about that corner over there?"

"Perfect," Jack said with a wink. They placed it down on the ground, then took several steps back. The issue was obvious.

"We need a bigger tree," Sam said after a few silent seconds. Jack crumpled his hand in his face then collapsed onto the couch. He had apparently cut off too much of the tree, making it look shabby, strange, and small.

"Really? I have to cut down a whole nother one?" Jack asked. Sam took a seat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"We could always just buy one," She suggested. A few more seconds of silence remained. Sam tilted her head a little. "Actually, I think it's perfect. Small, but perfect."

"Really?" Jack asked. Sam nodded.

"Just reminds me that some things are simple." She smiled up at him, causing both of their hearts to beat quickly.

"Want to decorate?" Sam asked.

"No, I want to sit here and cuddle with you," Jack said truthfully. Sam smiled brightly, and leaned a little closer to him.

A little while later, they both jumped up to decorate the tree. First they worked together to string the lights around it, feeling sparks when their hands touched. Then they placed ornaments all around the tree, giving it a beautiful, homey feel. Once they were done, they both stood back to admire their work. Jack put his arm around Sam's, and she leaned a little closer and held his hand with her own.

"Perfect," she said quietly. Jack looked down at her.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Everything is perfect." She looked up at him and smiled. Their gazes locked for a minute or two, both so happy that they could finally be together. After years of waiting, it was finally a reality for what had once seemed impossible.

"I wish I had some mistletoe, because I want to kiss you," Jack finally said.

"Oh, you won't need that." Sam leaned up and kissed him right on the lips. He gave a genuine smile before they indulged in another.

Jack and Sam: Shipmas 2020Where stories live. Discover now