How Many Candy Canes Have You Eaten?

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Sam had just about finished putting away all of the groceries she got when Jack came into the kitchen.

"Whatcha buy?" He asked, sliding in close to her and peeping in the bags. Sam quickly grasped onto one of them.

"Just a few things," she replied. Jack arched an eyebrow. He leaned in to kiss her, and then at the same time grabbed the bag from her hands.

"Oh, candy canes!" He said excitingly. He was just about to open them when Sam grabbed it back.

"Those are for later. At the Christmas party we're having with Daniel and Teal'c," she reminded him.

Jack gave a fake hurt look. "Can't I just have one?"

Sam couldn't help but laugh. It was funny seeing Jack act like a child. Then again, he always acted that way.

"No," she replied sternly. "Not until the party." She leaned her head over to the side and peered into the living room of Jack's cabin.

"Are they're any good Christmas movies on?"

Jack thought for a minute. "Dear, there are always Christmas moves on Halmark."

"Then let's go watch one." Jack couldn't turn down the opportunity to snuggle in close with Sam on a cold windy night. He sighed, then trudged into the living room, wrapping his warm arms around hers.


It was early the next morning. Sam was dressed and ready for another day of work at the SGC. Jack had just gotten up as soon as she was about to leave.

"You slept in," she remarked.

"You got up early," Jack replied. His hair was a mess and he looked like he was barely awake. He went over and grabbed himself a cup of coffee. "Work?" He asked Sam between sips.

She nodded. "Yep. I'll be back later tonight." She went over to him, and he leaned down and kissed her, then pulled her into his arms. He pulled a coat over her and said; "remember, baby it's cold outside!"

Sam laughed and leaned a little closer. Of course, she couldn't stay like that for long. She forced herself to pull away, remembering that she would be able to be by Jack later. She was about to leave, when one final thought crossed her mind.

"The candy canes, they're going to stay, untouched?" She raised an eyebrow.

Jack flung out his hands. "Sam, I don't even know where they are."

"Okay then. See you later babe." She smiled one last time at him, then turned back around, heading off to work.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Jack dashed back into the kitchen and found those candy canes. Sam wouldn't notice if he took one or two...or maybe a couple, or close to a dozen more. Well, who cares really, Jack thought. It'd been years since he'd eaten a candy cane.


Something was off, Sam knew as she pulled up into the driveway of Jack's cabin. First of all, there was a wreath strung on the door, and the whole outside of the cabin was decorated with garland and ribbons of all sorts. That was odd. Jack rarely decorated, and if he did, it was because Sam made him. She just shrugged, and went inside.

That was when she knew something was definitely off. Every light in the house was on, and there was a mess of all sorts of random things littered on the floor. She was about to call Jack's name when he came bounding in, practically running to her. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her repeatedly, simply shocking her.

"Hey! You're back!" He gave that smile of his. Sam tried pulling away, but he only clung to her closely. "I decorated! And then I tried to make some chicken, but it burnt. So then I threw it out. And hey, we need to get a new couch."

Jack went on and on, taking so fast that Sam barely understood what he was saying. Eventually, she snuck into the kitchen, still wondering what on Earth had gotten into Jack. Then she saw the opened candy cane package, every single one of the one hundred pack gone. She picked it up, nothing but seriousness dredged on her face.

"How many candy canes have you eaten?" It was like Jack knew he was in trouble or something.

"None! Some! You're the one who left them!" He took several steps back until he was leaning against the wall. Sam had no idea what to do but laugh. Of course, only Jack, a fifty year old man, would get drunk on sugar. Now he was more hyper than she had ever seen him.

"What are you going to do? Don't slap me. Please don't slap me. Are you going to make me sleep on the couch?"

"No-no." There didn't seem to be a point to argue with him. She could hardly argue with him at all, no matter the circumstance. "Come here, let's get you fed, and then to bed."

For the next hour Sam tended to Jack like she would a child. He compiled, after much, much convincing.

Sam finally got him into bed, relived to finally get some rest herself. Thankfully, he went to sleep not long after.

Morning light was seeping in when they both awoke. Jack opened his eyes, now back himself since the sugar rushed had passed. He turned over in bed and saw Sam. She'd taken good care of him.

"Sam?" He said quietly. She stirred a little.

"Yes?" She said, her voice barely audible.

Jack leaned in a little closer, wrapped his arms around her, and whispered into her ears. "Thank you for taking care of me so well," he said. Sam smiled, and Jack kissed her.

"Always. But no more candy canes!" She said, flipping around to face him.

"I guess that can be arranged," Jack said. After another long kiss, they snuggled in close and went back to sleep.

Jack and Sam: Shipmas 2020Where stories live. Discover now