Christmas Shopping

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It was the holidays, and less than a month until Christmas. That meant it was time for some serious Christmas shopping. As soon as she was done with her work today, Sam was going Christmas shopping with Casandra. She was older now, about fourteen, and it was sometimes challenging to find something fun to do with her. Shopping seemed right up their alley way.

Sam had just shut her computer off when Jack entered her lab. He raised an eyebrow. "Leaving early?"

Sam shook her head to confirm it. 

"That's a first," Jack said, pretending to be shocked. It caused Sam to smile.

"Actually I'm going Christmas shopping with Cassie."

"Fun," Jack replied.

Sam recognized that look on his face. He was bored. He usually made an excuse that he was going fishing, but by now she'd seen it enough times to know what it meant. "You can come with us if you want sir," she told him.

Jack shook his head. "I'm not much of a shopper."

"Yeah, me neither," Sam admitted. "Still, you have to go sometime to get gifts. Have you got anything for Daniel or Teal'c?"

Jack pretended to think about it. "I have...a book for Daniel. And Teal'c can have that strange cat statue thing I have."

Sam laughed. "Come on, you need to go shopping."

Jack didn't protest. She was right, as always, and besides, he had nothing else to do. What could be more fun then spending the rest of his afternoon with Sam.


Cassie was shocked, but excited to see Jack. She didn't see him very often, only heard about him here and there. Sam drove them to one of the nearest malls, and the whole car ride there was full of fun filled laughter and chatter. It really made you feel good to be around Jack, she thought. He always seemed to make the situation lighthearted and fun.

The mall was a bit crowded, but easy enough to navigate. The three of them had a great time, buying all sorts of odds and ends for various friends and family members.

They all had a good laugh when Jack would jump out of nowhere, wearing something ridiculous. The first time startled Sam so much Jack had to put a hand on her shoulder to steady her.

Sam said she had to make a return at one store and that she would catch up with the rest of them later.

Jack let Cassie lead him around a mall, until she stopped at a jewelry store. "You're too young for jewelry, aren't you?" Jack asked.

Cassie shrugged. "Maybe. Sam likes that one though." She pointed to a beautiful emerald ring, encrusted with diamonds. Jack stared at it for a long while. He still hadn't gotten a gift for her. Still...wouldn't it be too awkward if he bought her a ring? He was about to forget about that idea when Cassie urged him to get it.

"She would love it if you got it for her." Jack continued to stare at the beautiful ring. Sam would love it, he knew. Would it mean too much of he was the one to buy it for her? His heart pulled against him uncomfortably. He was about to push himself away as he always did, until he remembered that bright, happy smile Sam made only around him.

"How much?" He asked the jeweler. It was a little on the high side, but Jack couldn't care less. Sam had saved the world so many times that she deserved a hundred of these.

Cassie secretly smiled to herself. She had a hint, a tiny feeling that Jack and Sam had feelings for each other. She heard something about them not being able to be together, but still, they deserved to be, and maybe one day...


It was Christmas eve, and Jack had given away all of his gifts to everyone, except for Sam's. It made him nervous- he wasn't exactly sure why, but something kept pulling at him that he shouldn't do this.

He pushed it away, then entered Sam's lab. She was there as always, smiling brightly when he entered. "Merry Christmas," she greeted him.

"Please, that's the tenth time I've heard that today," Jack said sarcastically. Sam just shook her head. Jack took a deep breath, then handed over the wrapped ring. He thought about leaving, running practically right out of there, but that would make this even more awkward.

Sam grabbed it, a look of pure curiosity shinning in her eyes. She unwrapped it, and a look of utter joy and surprise crossed her face. When she didn't say anything, Jack started rambling.

"Cassie thought you liked it. I didn't know what else to get you so...."

"It's perfect," Sam said. She gave Jack a smile- that special Jack O'Neill smile. It made him want to blush.

Sam sensed the awkwardness of the situation, so she held out her present. "It's small, but I think you'll like it."

"Of course. I mean, when does size ever matter in gifts? I'd rather have a hundred bucks than a life sized elephant."

Sam laughed again. Jack opened his present, thoroughly pleased to see that it was a mug, saying; "best fisher in the world." She knew him too well, Jack thought to himself.

He smiled sincerely at her. "Thanks Carter."

"Yes sir."

Sir. There were times Jack hated that word. It reminded him of what he was, his job, the situation he was in, and as long as Sam called him that, they could never be together. He could never let that spark ignite that was hidden deep within his heart.

"Well, Merry Christmas," Jack replied, putting a smile upon his face just for looks.

Jack and Sam: Shipmas 2020Where stories live. Discover now