Christmas On PWP-3XS

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Jack sighed to himself. It was Christmas back on Earth, but he was lightyears away, all by himself on the distant planet of PWP-3XS. Or so he thought.

Jack went back inside the base, only to find Sam leaning over a desk, staring into a computer.

"Carter," he said a little surprised. She looked up from her work.

"Sir," she greeted him. Jack took a step further into the room.

"I thought you were going home for the holidays," he said quizzically.

Sam shook her head. "I was, but then my brothers family got sick. I don't have any other close family, so I decided to stay here." Sam smiled. Jack shook his head.

"Well looks like its just you and me," he replied. Daniel and Teal'c had both taken the holiday off.

"Yeah," Sam said. She turned back and started fiddling with a few pieces of tech. Jack realized right away he was distracting her.

"Well, I'm going down the waste time and play with a yo-yo." Jack heard Sam laughed as he left.

"Have fun!" She called to him.

"I will have the time of my life," he replied sarcastically. Hey, at least he wasn't spending another Christmas alone, even if Carter spent the whole time in the lab.


Sam clicked her fingers against the metal desk. She'd been at work in here for several hours now, and she was ready for a break. There wasn't much to do, so she just got up to take a short walk and stretch her legs. Christmas Eve, she thought. It was strange being on another planet for it this year.

As she walked around the base, her eyes caught sight of something out the window. There were two full moons, shining brightly in the sparkling night sky. She let out a small sigh, then went on outside to take a closer look.

It was slightly chilly out, but not that cold. Sam placed herself down on the soft earth. The bright green grass felt like a soft blanket of nature. Her bright blue eyes stared up at the sky in front of her. It was mesmerizing. The world seemed vast and endless, full of adventure. She'd only witnessed a small fraction of what was out there, but she couldn't wait to see more.

The minutes slowly ticked by. Sam was so entranced in the beautiful night sky that she didn't even hear someone come up from behind her and wrap a warm jacket around her shivering shoulders.

She slightly brushed his hands, meeting his gaze in the darkened light. "It's kind of chilly out," Jack remarked.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't really notice. It's just so beautiful out here," Sam replied.

Jack nodded. She didn't say anything more, she just titled her head back up at the sky. Jack caught himself staring not at the sky, but down at Sam. She was beautiful, breathtaking. Stop it, he told himself. He couldn't be with her.

It would seen to abrupt to just go back inside. He looked from the sky then back at Sam. He silently slid down beside her on the grass.

An interest in stars was probably the one thing Sam and Jack shared. It was a beautiful moment for the both of them, just sitting there, staring out the stars and the moon, wondering how vast of a world it is out there, what could be possible.

"Starring at stars on Christmas. I'd be worried being out here if we have christmas decorations up," Jack said. Sam raised an eyebrow.


Jack gave her a faked shocked look. "The grinch!" He said. Sam laughed, feeling that happy, lighthearted feeling she only felt around him.

The two stared up at the sky a little longer. Sam flickered her eyes over to Jack. It was just her and him, no one else around for lightyears. It was Christmas she thought, maybe she could put her guard down for a small second.

She moved a little closer to Jack, then she leaned her head down on his shoulder. She only did that in rare situations, but it always made her feel more comfortable, and she daresay warm.

It made Jack nervous at first, Sam being so close to him, but he knew she wouldn't make a move, not as long as he didn't. It was a wonderous sensation, pulled over by a drab one. He could never be with her. Not as long as they chose this life. Still, it was the little moments together that counted. He let himself relax a little, and eventually wrap his hands around her.

"It's a beautiful night," Sam said a little while later. They had been out here for quite some time, but neither of them felt like going in.

"It is," Jack replied. He could hardly think of a time when he felt warmer. He glanced down at Sam. She looked so peaceful, so happy. "Merry Christmas Carter," he whispered to her.

"You too sir."

The two stayed out for a little while longer, until they finally made themselves pull away, forcing their minds back on the job. Neither could help but wonder, maybe one day they could be together. Just maybe.

Jack and Sam: Shipmas 2020Where stories live. Discover now