Christmas Party

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Jack jumped up from the couch and went into the kitchen. Sam was leaning over a tray of food, making sure everything was situated correctly.

"Better make sure the cups are turned the right way too," he teased. She leaned up from the counter, the usual Jack O'Neill smile pasted on her face.

"I just want it to look good," she said in her defense. They were throwing their first ever Christmas party together. Well, it wasn't really a party. More like a Christmas get-together with Daniel and Teal'c. Still, Sam wanted it to be perfect.

"Well, I'm sure it tastes good." Jack tried to grab a cookie, but Sam slapped his finger. "Ow!" He said, faking being in pain. Sam put both hands on her hips.

"Those aren't until for later."

Jack went over to her, kissed her on the neck, and wrapped his hands around her. "What about a kiss? Do I have to wait later for that too?"

Sam smiled, then leaned up and kissed him. She felt happier than she had in years. As if on que, the doorbell rang. Jack and Sam both went over to answer it.

"Hey," Sam greeted. It was Daniel and Teal'c, each holding a present. "Come in."

"Yes, you're letting all the cold air into the house," Jack said in a teasing manner.

"Ah, yes. You probably don't have a heater to warm this place up," Daniel added on.

They all went inside, then took a seat around the living room of Jack's cabin. They hadn't been in here together in a long time. The last time was nearly three years ago, when Jack once again got the Ancient depository stuck in his brain. They had all thought they were going to loose Jack, and they'd made the most of what little time they had left. Turns out, they still had him, and he was alive and well.

"Nice decor. I think this is the first time I've ever seen this place decorated," Daniel commented.

"Indeed," Teal'c agreed while looking around.

"Hey, I pride myself with having a well decorated house around Christmas," Jack said in defense. Sam shot him a look.

"Sam made you decorate, didn't she?" Daniel asked. Jack didn't reply, but Sam mouthed the word yes.

"It is indeed a strange tradition to bring a tree inside of your living corridors," Teal'c said. He was staring at the tree in the corner with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes. We also string lights on it and place presents under it," Sam added in. She smiled to show to Teal'c that she was teasing. He smiled in return.

"Speaking of presents..." Jack reached out and grabbed one. "Let's open them up first."


They all had such a great time. Laughing, smiling, and feeling the Christmas spirit. They'd known each other for close to nine years, saved the world countless times together, and now it felt so great to just be able to talk and have fun.

It also felt like they were open and free. For years Jack and Sam had suppressed their feelings for each other. Now they could be together since Jack retired.

They were laughing again, after Daniel just finished telling them a crazy story. Sam was curled up against the couch next to Jack, and Teal'c and Daniel were sitting in the chairs across from them. It was getting darker now, but no one wanted to leave.

"I'll go get some snacks," Sam said after Jack teased about being starved. He hoped up beside her.

"And I'm checking the thermal stat because I'm freezing," he said.

"Oh, I was starting to think you just kept it this cold," Daniel said with a smile.

Jack and Sam had just stepped out of the living room when Daniel made a funny sound and Teal'c was smiling. Jack and Sam looked down at them suspiciously, then saw that their eyes were fixed right above them.

"Mistletoe," Sam said. She shook her head.

"Well, you know what they say..." Jack began.

They leaned in a little closer, and kissed. Daniel and Teal'c were laughing now. Sam pulled Jack in a hug and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Okay, who did that?" Jack asked. Neither Teal'c or Daniel would say who.

They all four wanted this night to last forever, but they knew it had to end.

"Thanks for coming," Sam said as Daniel and Teal'c left. She hugged them both in a friendly manner, then wished them a merry Christmas. They said the same.

Jack and Sam stared out the window as they passed. "Ready for bed?" Jack asked. Both of them were tired.

"Not quite." Sam led Jack over to the couch, and they both sat down. They said nothing, only stared at the dying embers of the fire. Neither of them had felt this happy in years, if ever. No words could ever describe the true joy in their hearts. They'd been through so much, thought that this was impossible to ever be together, but here they were, snug and safe together.

"What are you thinking?" Jack asked. His head was resting against the top of hers. Sam pulled herself even closer to him. "About the Stargate?" Jack asked.

Sam shook her head ever so lightly. "There were so many amazing and wonderful things I thought I would find through that gate. You turned out to be one of them."

Their eyes locked, and it almost felt like they could feel the others heart and how happy it felt. Jack didn't say anything. He knew that Sam already knew how he felt, and that words could never describe it.

They stared curled up together all night on the couch, falling asleep in each others arms.

Jack and Sam: Shipmas 2020Where stories live. Discover now