Meeting a Goddess

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 "Father," Artemis said, "there is a new power growing and I fear that it's more powerful than Gaea herself."

"You are tasked with hunting down this being," Zeus replied, "tell the 7 to be on their guard. We have no idea how powerful this person is, so be on your utmost guard."

"Yes father," Artemis replied.

In another part of the world, Kakarot is fighting Hercules.

"Is this all you've got God of Strength?" Kakarot asked with a sadistic grin, "I can easily tear you apart. In fact I think I will."

Kakarot dashed forward and delivered a blow to Hercules' chest. Instantly turning him into dust.

"He was weak," Kakarot said, "I might as well go fight some Titans."

With that the saiyan took off into the air and flew towards Mount Othrys. Home of the Titans.

At the same time Artemis was talking with her mother, who was freed after the Second Giant War.

"Do you know who this man is?" Leto asked.

"No mother I do not," Artemis replied, "I feel like I should know him, but I don't. All I know is that he's very powerful. He's also a god of some sort. He had this golden glow in my dreams. I'm terrified of him."

"But?" Leto asked knowing that there's more to it.

"But at the same time I feel as if I want to go out with him," Artemis said a look of disgust on her face, "I'm confused on what I should do."

Leto looked thoughtful as an explosion rattled the mountain. Artemis then ran out of her mother's palace and saw that the man from her dreams was there. Except his eyes were completely red and he was shooting ki blasts everywhere.

"I know that an Olympian is here," Kakarot said, "I demand to fight them!"

"Right here!" Artemis yelled.

"Ah the goddess of the hunt," Kakarot said an evil smile on his face, "I see that you are the Olympian that I'm going to be fighting. I wonder though? Why are you here and not with your Hunters?"

Before she could answer, Kakarot put two fingers on his forehead and vanished.

"I need to save my hunters," Artemis said, "I'll be visiting again soon mother. Although I fear I might not return."

Artemis then flashed away and appeared at her hunter's campsite.

"Thalia!" she called out.

"Don't worry Artemis," Kakarot said appearing behind her, "she and the rest of your pathetic hunters are safe. No, I didn't hurt them in anyway. Unless you count scaring them half to death and then knocking them all unconscious is hurting them."

"What are you?" she asked the saiyan, "What do you want?"

"First swear on Chaos that you won't tell your father, or anyone for that matter, who I am," Kakarot told her, "second, I want to know everything about your world."

"I swear on Chaos that I, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, Childbirth, and Chasity, to not tell anyone what you're about to tell me," Artemis swore as she felt the oath tie itself to her immortality, "now tell me who you are and what you want to know before I send you to Tartarus."

"First, I am Kakarot Roman God of Saiyans, Energy, Transformations, Martial Arts, and lastly War," he replied his tone a bit prideful, "I'm from Universe 7. Banished actually. My Greek aspect is kinda depressed right now, for reasons I won't share. Now tell me everything I need to know about your world. People, places, myths, and Demigods of importance."

She told him all that he needs to know. The world's history, it's most famous places, and all it's mythologies like Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and lastly Norse. Then it came to Demigods.

"Let me get this straight," Kakarot said his red eyes glowing with anger, "you use the Demigods for your own amusement?"

"Two years ago, Gaea tried to rise again," Artemis explained, "after that my father decided that Demigods should be used as entertainment. Me, Athena, Poseidon, Hestia, Apollo, and Hades all voted against it."

"It was 6 against 8," Kakarot said thinking aloud, "you didn't stand a chance. Your father is using the Demigods as entertainment and he doesn't care who gets hurt."

Artemis nodded.

"What's worse is that one of my hunters are up next in a few months unless I can't find a suitable fighter," Artemis said shifting aspects.

Kakarot smiled darkly.

"I may be of service," he replied, "but if you don't allow me to help then you'll have to use one of your hunters. If you don't want that then allow me to fight for them."

"I'll consider it," Diana replied, "can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot," Kakarot said.

"What's a saiyan?" she asked.

"An alien," Kakarot replied before summoning a scouter and handing it to her, "that's all you need to know. Now, use this whenever you need some extra muscle or if you decide to take me up on my offer. I better get going. Your hunters are going to wake up soon and I'm sure that they won't like the two of us talking. Goodbye Lady Diana."

"Goodbye Lord Kakarot," Diana said.

"Also I think that you should talk to Thalia about eavesdropping," Kakarot said, "if I'm being spied on again, I won't hesitate to put an end to the person who is spying."

The two girls paled at the tone in his voice.

"We'll keep anyone from finding you," Thalia said, "why should you help us?"

"Because Lady Thalia, I don't believe in using children as entertainment," Kakarot stated his tone dark.

With those last words Kakarot flew off and left the hunter's camp.

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