School of Olympus: Shopping Trip and Dinner Dates

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"HAAA!" Gohan yelled at Trunks as a blue energy beam collided with Trunks' red energy beam.

The collision caused an explosion which woke everyone up.

"You give up?" Trunks asked his cousin.

"Not even close," Gohan replied going Super Saiyan, "Ka-Me-Ha-Me-HAAAA!"

His most powerful attack hit Trunks dead on and when the dust cloud cleared, Trunks was in his Super Saiyan form badly hurt, but standing and breathing.

"That was a good..." Trunks began but was interrupted by two loud voices.

"What. the. Hell!" Zazuli and Luna yelled at their boyfriends.

"Sorry," Gohan replied rubbing his neck as he reverted back to his base form.

Luna and Zazuli were both angry at the boys and both gained an evil smirk on their faces.

"Since it's a saturday you have to take us shopping," Zazuli said, "because I won't have my friend in her old clothes and because you, Gohan, out grew yours."
"Sucker," Trunks told Gohan.

"Not so fast mister," Luna said her hands on her hips, "you've gotta come to."


"You heard me," Luna told him, "also since we're not allowed outside of Olympus, for unknown reasons, we have to go shopping on Olympus. You two have no choice in the matter."

Gohan's father saw what was happening and saw that Luna had her hands on her hips signifying that she was angry and so he made a cut it out motion and his eyes said 'Go with it. It'll calm them down if you do what they say.'

"Fine we'll go with you," Gohan said clearly not wanting to go.

Gohan and Trunks then showered, got dressed and ate. Then the of 4 of them headed to the shopping district of Olympus and towards the boy's dooms.

"Are done here?" Trunks asked after about 2 hours of shopping.

"You two woke us up at 6:30 AM," Luna told him, "the least you can do is help us out."

"Yeah by that you mean torture us by making us be here shopping 'til we both die of boredom," Trunks whispered to Gohan.

"I'd rather take my chances against Frieza or Cell," Gohan told him in a whisper making him chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Zazuli asked an eyebrow raised.

"Something that happened to the original Gohan," Trunks replied.

"What happened to him?" Luna asked.

"Well when a saiyan named Raditz attacked and killed Goku, Piccolo took care of him for a year," Gohan told them, "since then dad's friends always joked that Piccolo was Gohan's real dad."

"So they all teased him for it and that's what you two are laughing about?" Luna asked.

"Yep," Trunks asked while secretly hoping for them to buy it.

The girls didn't say anything and ran into another shop.

"I hate this," Gohan said with moan as he and Trunks ran after their girlfriends.

"Just a few more hours of this and we'll be in the clear cuz," Trunks told him.

6 hours later they were done and the two saiyans were ready for a good spar.

"Finally we're done!" Gohan and Trunks exclaimed when they got back to the look out.

"Lets spar," Trunks said.

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