A Saiyan's Entrance and Story Time

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Six months later

"Where are you going stupid girl?" a man growled.

"Please don't hit me," the little girl said tears threatening to spill.

"I hope that I'm not interrupting something here," Kakarot said appearing behind the man.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"I'm just a traveller looking for my daughter," Kakarot replied before looking at the girl, "looks like I found her. So I'll be taking her."

"She looks nothing like you," the man replied, "so get lost before I gut you like a fish."

Kakarot then punched him in the gut causing the man to throw up his lungs and falling down dead.

"It's alright little one," Kakarot said shifting to his greek aspect, "my name is Goku. What's yours?"

"V-Videl Black," the little girl replied.

Goku stiffened and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"That is a very beautiful name," Goku replied eyes soft, "I know that I'm not your father, but would you like me to adopt you?"

"Yay I have a daddy," Videl exclaimed as Goku smiled wide.

Goku then spoke in a mixture of Ancient Greek and Japanese and a golden glow erupted around her.

"You are now my daughter," Goku said smiling, "I'm going to take you to a close friend of mine. She's going to take care of you for me, but I'll visit as much as I can."

"Okay daddy," Videl replied, "why do I feel like I'm not human?"

Goku sighed as he shifted aspects.

"That's because you're now a demigod," Kakarot replied, "sorry, but your father is a god. A greek god, me on the other hand is a Roman god. You are the daughter of Goku Greek god of Saiyans, Energy, Transformations, Martial Arts, and lastly Life. You have all the powers we have. You are part Saiyan. Meaning that you have a whole array of powers at your fingertips. Now don't worry, I'm your father as much as Goku is. Just different."

"Okay daddy," Videl replied, "oh I'm 7 years old."

Kakarot chuckled then put two fingers on his forehead, putting his hand on Videl's shoulder and used instant transmission to get to the hunter's camp.

"M'Lady!" Thalia exclaimed, "He's back!"

"Hello Kakarot," Artemis said before looking at the young girl behind him.

"This is Videl," Kakarot said sadness flashing through his eyes, "my adopted daughter. She's an orphan and I thought that since she doesn't have any parents then I could adopt her."

"So she can do the same things you can?" Thalia asked.

"In theory," Kakarot replied before turning to Artemis, "have you decided on my offer?"

"I'll be swallowing my own pride, but yes," she replied, "I accept your offer."

Kakarot smiled as he remembered his rival.

"Yeah, I also had to swallow my own pride a time or two," Kakarot replied chuckling, "would you like to meet my greek aspect?"
Artemis nodded. She's been wanting to meet his Greek Aspect for awhile now.

Once he shifted aspects Artemis' jaw dropped.

"Hi," Goku said as he waved a hand in front of Artemis, "yoohoo. Anybody home?"

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